Welcome to the latest installment of Who's The Daddy, a feature which shines the spotlight on the most talented Daddy bloggers, worldwide.
It's an honour to welcome the talented Grant Robson of Looking For The Postman with his guest post: Seven Steps To Being Creative When You’re A Tired Parent Who Just Wants to Crash Out.
Let me start off by stating this post applies to Dads too, it's just 'Father Hustler' doesn't sound as cool as Mother Hustler and you know Mama's got some street cred going on right here so let's stick with it (ha, as if).
If you've found my blog through some explicit adult only Google search (!) let me start by pointing out that, sorry, it's not that kind of post.
Today is about my kids sleeping in my bed-both kids, a fair few times a week.
We call it 'Musical Beds' here, are you familiar with this 'game'?
So, I'm not usually one to throw a pity party in real life or online but you know what, I'm about to and it's going to be a full on get your freak on' pity RAVE, so I understand if you have another, non-whiney sweet as pie blog to hit right now and will kindly bid you goodbye... But if you can't look away, here it is: this last month has been one loooong viral/antibacterial hot mess of illness in this house. As you can imagine, it's all been rather rubbish.
When yoga's not in my life I'll be honest, I feel pretty rubbish, and I did for a lot of the summer- along with eating far too much sugar, I let my exercise routine go to the wayside, I stopped running and yoga and quickly felt the healthy glow diminish along with my energy levels.
Nothing of course replaces healthy, seasonal food-tonnes of fruit and veg, lean meat, pulses (you get the picture) but vitamins help ensure I get everything extra I need, especially at times of sleep deprivation (always), times of PMS (oh those dreaded days come weeks) and much needed sun rays in a bottle when Blighty can't provide the real thing!
I'm not a doctor but I sure am (sadly) an expert on sleep deprivation. Give or take 4 flipping whole years of it. Don't be fooled by the picture above, they nodded off together but were soon moved to their own beds and both woke up at least twice that night. Le yawn!
Oliver admires and emulates his Daddy like no other (their bond is unbreakable) and hats off to Peter who is simply the most patient and loving father (his years of Tai Chi really come in handy at 3am when a teething baby is screaming). And breathe....
Jo Tantum is the UK's leading Baby Sleep and Twins Expert with 25 years experience. She teaches parents how to help their babies learn to love sleeping without distress with her Spaced Soothing method.