Healthy living can be a bit of a vague term can't it? It's just so subjective.
For some, being healthy means only eating organic, seasonal produce and hitting the gym five times a week.
For others, a bit of exercise and a balanced diet is enough to lead a happy life.
Life can sometimes feel like a non-stop rollercoaster can't it, juggling family life, work as I/we try to be everything to everyone.
The last few months have seen me take time out more, to relax daily and prioritise on what really makes my family and I happy. I always say, happy parents, happy children.
Juliet is a GP, mum to three children and a health writer. She also has her own running club, runs marathons and fundraises for charity.
With a regular column in Women’s Running, a growing online following and plans for a book, Juliet is one inspiring, wonderful woman.
Ok I realise it's a a BIG Hollywood-worthy TITLE, a grand old statement but it's the truth, really-changing my diet has changed my life!
I know, I know, I've written about my relationship and complete and utter love affair with food a lot here (along with sharing my recipes) but hear me out (again) recently I've had an epiphany, a change of heart somewhat, a shake up in my fridge and life.
When yoga's not in my life I'll be honest, I feel pretty rubbish, and I did for a lot of the summer- along with eating far too much sugar, I let my exercise routine go to the wayside, I stopped running and yoga and quickly felt the healthy glow diminish along with my energy levels.
We all get stressed out at times and it's inevitable isn't it, with the constant juggling of kids, work and life. The endless pursuit of finding balance along with precious time out is stressful in itself-I need a lie down just reflecting on it all!
...Some days I want to high five myself for achieving all of the above and other times, I feel like I'm failing miserably.
The last few months in particular though have seen me making some small changes to my life that have made a HUGE difference-I feel calmer, happier and more in control than ever before so here's my list: