Wonderful Women Interview with GP and Writer Juliet McGrattan.
Juliet is a GP, mum to three children and a health writer. She also has her own running club, runs marathons and fundraises for charity.
With a regular column in Women’s Running, a growing online following and plans for a book, Juliet is one inspiring, wonderful woman.
Describe a typical day for you?
Mornings consist of lost shoes, spilt cereals and frantic brushing of teeth. Three primary school children out of the door with various instruments and sports kit and I can never find my keys!
On my GP days I start at 8:30am and finish about 7:30pm. It’s an endurance event; morning and afternoon surgeries, visits, prescriptions, blood results, hospital letters, phone calls and medical reports. It’s certainly varied and interesting, but very intense.
The rest of the week, after school drop off I go for a run, often with the dog. Then I whizz round doing a quick tidy up, stick on the washing and settle down at the computer to write. It’s the school run again before I know it, but I often sneak in an hours work later on in the evening.
What do you feel are your biggest achievements?
My three beautiful children, my happy marriage and my work/life balance.
What’s in your handbag/satchel etc?
Dog poo bags. Phone. Burts Bees lip salve. Gloves (my hands are always cold) Various small packets of crayons from restaurants. Radley purse. Bundles of receipts awaiting ‘filing’ and Clinique pressed powder. But never my keys!
What are your ambitions in life?
It used to be to become a Dr, have lots of children and run a marathon! Tick!
Now I’m setting my sights on writing a health book for women. I want to use my knowledge and passions to inspire and support women to become more active. It’s incredibly empowering to feel fit and so important for health and wellbeing.
What advice would you give your pre-baby self that you now know having had a child?
I would tell myself to relax, stop aiming for perfection and just enjoy my children.
My best will be good enough and there’s no need to pile on extra pressure. I would definitely tell myself to make time for exercise, I wish I’d discovered its benefits earlier.
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
Still living in my lovely village surrounded by friends, hoping that the NHS pressures will ease up! I’d love to be writing more and maybe have run an ultra-marathon (but don’t tell my husband!)
What advice would you give a budding doctor?
Medicine is a vocation, but if it’s really what you want to do then go for it. It’s a privilege and a pleasure, but it’s also frustrating, sad and tough at times.
Don’t believe what you read in the press about how much GPs get paid either!
Finally, happiness is…
A long chatty run with my besties and home for a roast dinner and board games with the family. Bliss.
You can follow Juliet on Facebook and Twitter or check out her brand new website here
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