What Mums Really Want on Mother’s Day

It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday in the UK and it got me thinking about what we mamas would REALLY like to celebrate the day bar a surprise visit from Ryan Gosling (soz Eva).

My perfect day would actually start from the night before and a full night’s sleep please, which you’d imagine was a given right having an 8 and 5 year old yet with bugs flying around lately and intermittent nightmares (which are understandable of course), I would LOVE a full night of not being kicked, before breakfast in bed please. It doesn’t have to be fancy: a cappuccino from our beloved Nespresso machine (a mutual present my husband and I gave one another for Christmas) and Greek yogurt and fruit served with The Sunday Times thank you very much along with handmade cards and flowers too wouldn’t go amiss. Lush.

Sunday lunch with the family would make me happy and lots of fresh air. The simple pleasures in life. The kids being impeccably well behaved and the sun to pop out. Not too much to ask, surely?

Let’s see what my fellow mamas on FB want on the big day too.

You can follow the entire thread HERE.

Hannah Gordon, ‘Tidy bedrooms without me nagging and a new picture for the fridge 😍😍- love homemade cards!’

Speaking of simple pleasures, Jeannie Thurston-Odell said, ‘I want to eat a meal with both my hands and without a child on my lap!’

Louise Marks asked, ‘For someone to come and de-clutter my house, my husband to learn to cook (preferably a roast dinner) and my children to give me lots of snuggles 😍’

I love blogger Mummy Snowy Owl‘s idea of a thoughtful present, ‘I’d love to have family photos done, as it’s so rare to get a picture of the 3 of us!’

Josie Wareing said, ‘Some daffodils, a bar of raw chocolate and a big smacker and hug from each of my three boys 😚😚😚’

Something we can ALL relate to is Julie Lynn’s request for, ‘A nice day with my 2 kids—no fighting allowed!’

Elaine Sutton agrees, ‘Kids not arguing for a day’.

Arguing, nor surprisingly came up a lot, ‘I just want a long lie (with closed doors so I don’t hear all the screaming and arguing) and maybe breakfast in bed said Mrs Madhouse Www.mrsmadhouse.co.uk’.

My pal Carrie’Ann Hardaker agrees, ‘All I really want is to not have to raise my voice, say the same thing 10 times because it isn’t done the first time I ask and to not have to put my hands in the sink or near the washing machine for just one day. They don’t have to buy me anything, just leave me alone for an hour or so to have a bit of uninterrupted reading time oh and an endless stream of brews 😁. I can but dream 😂’.

Katie Louise Mulford wants a chilled day, ‘I would love a day relaxing in bed. Breakfast in bed, chilling out, a nice hot bath, then in to clean pjs and back to relaxing in bed. Of course drinks and food brought to me with waiter service would also be wonderful! 😂

Becky Moore shared that beer is top of her priority list, ‘Last year my son forgot. I try to pretend I don’t care about mother’s Day, but I do. But I really don’t want anything special. A bottle of beer would be nice, but a bar of dark chocolate will do. As a single mum, I never expected a day free of household chores or anything. These days my son is a pretty domesticated young man. And old enough to buy his mum a beer!’

Zoe Burton asks, ‘SLEEP extra sleep. Quiet time, unlimited time in the bathroom with no interruptions, to drink a hot coffee most of all endless hugs and kisses with my little treasures’. 

My good friend and mum of a newborn and two other children, Rachel Dennis said, ‘A lie in, no cooking, no washing up, and a hot cup of tea’.

Lucy Bishop of Mrs Bishop’s Bakes and Banter said,  ‘A lie in, no nappy changes, an endless supply of tea/coffee/wine/gin, good food, well behaved children, no chores, an hour or so to nap/read my kindle undisturbed. Haha! I don’t want much!😂🙌🏻

Joanna Byrne said, ‘A drawing or homemade card made with love. I like that it’s an opportunity for them to learn the joy of giving, and of showing appreciation. I don’t want any gifts, although I love any treasures they give me – ‘crystals’ (stones from the garden) or flowers (leaves plucked from a bush)’.

Nicky Noodle’s suggestion made me laugh out loud, ‘To have my kids spend hours making a delicious dinner from scratch so I can say ‘that looks gross’ & eat one mouthful. I’d then get them to pick up all my dirty clothes, kicked around my bedroom & a few empty wrappers thrown in for good measure. I’d then get my shoes as muddy as I can & jump on their beds. Wait until they sat down to eat their dinner then demand a drink. Ask a gazillion pointless questions half way through a program they’re trying to watch. 5 minutes before they go to bed bring out a massive project I need doing for the morning & get them to do it. Realise I need my gym kit washed for the next day at 9pm & expect them to do it with a smile. That’s for starters.. 🤪’

Liv Hinton wants something practical, ‘Something useful… Not flowers which will die, or chocolates (I buy enough myself). Maybe a new skill book/workshop for example. And a card. Homemade preferably’.

Donna Ford too wants something useful, ‘Space to think and ignite my creativity so doing an interior styling workshop. My blog is www.skirtingboardsandchandeliers.com. I’d also love a lie in, maybe a handmade card and def time altogether to celebrate the privilege of being a mummy!

Emma McCarthy shared, A long, uninterrupted, guilt-free lie in, complete with a pot of tea, hot buttered toast, pain au chocolate or pancakes, and my book. www.cubkit.co.uk

Jenny Yeardley just wants, ‘Head space, silence & a pause button!’ Can I have one too please?!

I absolutely love this wish from Lesley Bambridge so had to end with it, ‘I think what a mother really wants is for her children to remember specific things which they appreciate about her. How they loved the stories she read to them, how she baked nice cakes when they were younger, things like that, or to simply enjoy her company. Things like that say a lot more than a bunch of flowers or some chocolates’.

If you’d like more suggestions for a unique Mother’s Day gift, check out the fabulous Rebecca De Jager of Hugo’s Workshop’s super blog post bursting with tips.

What do you REALLY want on Mother’s Day?

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What Mums Really Want on Mother's Day

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