hand cut chips recipe

Greek Hand-Cut Chips Just Like My Mama Makes

hand cut chips recipeI have literally just made another batch of these bad boys (slightly burnt as I got distracted catching up on Love Island while cooking) but still so tasty. These Greek hand-cut chips are my fave chips in the whole world and immediately transport me back to my childhood as they’re how my mum always made them, and how she still makes them today.

She made lots just the other week when she visited and the kids adore them, preferring their version without the oregano and with plenty of Ketchup. Not so Greek but yummy all the same.

Greek thick cut chips

This recipe is quick, easy (when you’re concentrating and not watching reality tv), simple and delicious, and what’s more, if you buy Cyprus potatoes the fields they were grown in are likely to be those my relatives own. True story!

thick chips

Let me know if you make them won’t you?!


  • 4 large Cyprus potatoes
  • 400ml olive oil (mild)
  • sea salt
  • oregano



Wash, peel and pat dry the potatoes and cut them into tick hand chips (you can make them thinner if you like but I prefer large ones). In a large frying pan add your oil. Once hot (approx 180 degrees) add the chips and ensure they are coated in oil. Fry until golden brown (10-12 minutes) adding the oregano a few minutes before you take them off the heat. Pat dry on kitchen paper and sprinkle sea sat on them.

Greek chips with ketchup

Perfection. Thanks Mama x

Check out my other recipes in my Food and Drink section!


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Greek Hand-Cut Chips Just Like My Mama Makes - Honest Mum recipe



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