Honest Mum and Louisa Johnson

Afternoon Tea with Singer Louisa Johnson

HamYard Hotel

Last week, Oliver and I popped over to boutique hotel Ham Yard Hotel for a festive afternoon tea with none other than X Factor winner Louisa Johnson who impressed us with her talent, integrity, beauty and determination.

Partnering with Matalan raising money for vital charity Alder Hey Hospital, Louisa met with a small group of us for tea and cakes before performing a personal concert for Megan, a young girl who’d won the recent Get Spotted Matalan competition impressing Louisa with her bendy gymnastic skills. What a treat for her! And us!

Ham Yard Hotel with Matalan

Living room goals at Hamyard Hotel…

afternoon tea with Matalan

Afternoon tea with Louisa Johnson

It resembled a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (in a good way)!

Matalan and Alder Hey Hospital Afternoon Tea

Matalan balloon

Get Spotted balloons

Matalan party

stunning lounge at Hamyard Hotel

With the most delightful festive afternoon tea with dainty mince pies, chocolate roulade and macarons.

afternoon tea

Matalan balloon at a party

festive afternoon tea

Ham Yard Hotel afternoon tea

mince pie, macaron and chocolate roulade

For those not familiar, Alder Hey and retailer Matalan have collaborated one again on a Christmas campaign – with this one seeing the nation ‘getting spotted’ by showing their hidden talents all over social media, and buying this year’s spotty PJs!

All profits went to the hospital’s research centre and last three years the retailer has raised over £1.7million in proceeds for the charity. You may remember year 1’s alphabet scarves endorsed by everyone from Helen Mirren to Justin Bieber and the campaign continues to grow each year with the lovely Louisa Johnson, their face most recently.

Afternoon tea with Louisa Johnson

It was wonderful to hear about Louisa’s new album and how proud of it she is. She shared how she feels she’s changed a lot since doing the show, that she’s grown and evolved and the album reflects this. Louisa is down-to-earth, hard working and humble despite huge talents and the world as a oyster. She was so sweet and interested in Oliver and whilst he’s a little young to fully appreciate Louisa, he understood that the afternoon tea was rather special.

It was also lovely to meet Ellie Child from My BABA who was also there to interview Louisa.

Louisa Johnson

X Factor winner Louisa Johnson

Honest Mum meets Louisa Johnson

afternoon tea with Louisa Johnson

Honest Mum and son meet Louisa Johnson

What a sweet day, thanks Matalan!

Photos by Aron Klein.

Watch the vlog:


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Afternoon Tea with Singer Louisa Johnson

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