stunning view

Our Weekend in Pictures-Welcoming in the Spring

Last weekend was one relaxing affair, we stayed at my folks’ house, the home I grew up in on Saturday night so Peter and I could enjoy a rare date night out, and all woke up to buttery warm bagels and the best babysitters in town. Bliss.

Oliver looking pensive, below at breakfast- ‘1 bagel or 2?’

beautiful child's portrait

As always, Peter captured some stunning photos during our ‘break’ at my folks, 15 minutes from where we live! Gorgeous Yorkshire in all its glory, we 6 (my Mum and Dad included) having pure, fun, chilled out family time. It’s our favourite kind of weekend.

Football, heartwarming food, sunshine on our cheeks, fresh air in our lungs, a spot of gardening for good measure and lots of soft ice cream marked the start of spring….

kid watering flowers

kid gardening

watering flowers

The kid has skillz. 2 balls at once: impressive!


kicking a ball

Sweet, my little boy against a big view…

fieldAfter lunch and a quick trip to the shops, we regrouped at Roundhay Park for fluffy soft whip with 99 flakes all round, and a ride on a choo choo train where Alexander made like a grumpy conductor and ordered everyone to ‘Be quiet please’. Embarrassing!

Roundhay Park-

Roundhay Park

Grandson taking his ‘Papu’ (Grandad) by the hand and leading him off for an adventure.

Grandad and toddler

Isn’t ice cream lovely?! Especially when it’s cold enough to eat it slowly!

ice cream

soft whip

My little frowner in the park’s playground


AlexanderAll aboard!

choo choo train

Later, back at my folks’ around magic hour, overlooking their house, we discovered an abandoned combine harvester for the night. Who knew they could be so beautiful?




combine harvester

beautiful combine harvester

view of Yorkshire

stunning view


pretty landscape

We took in the sunset. A beauty to behold.

‘Babye sun’ whispered a waving Alexander as we went back inside for bedtime stories…

dreamy landscape

What did you get up to over the weekend?

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Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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