Not Broody, Baby.
My baby Alexander will be 1 next month and after hormone inducing broodiness through a lot of his first year (sure this is nature’s way to help mothers bond with their babies and mostly because A is just so damn cute), I can say I no longer feel the urge to procreate (husband is no doubt wiping his brow as he reads this). You do read my blog don’t you Pete? Come on, keep the stats up dude.
Seriously, I adore, love, live for my two boys and truly feel my family is complete (no more complete than those who have 1 child or none though)-I believe you can be just as happy without sprogs so let’s get that straight from the start off.
Similarly as many women with kids of the same sex, I never minded what gender my kids were or feel the need to have another in hope of a girl. I love having boys in the same way I would have loved having girls. Never nor do have a preference. They are beauties (thankfully) as admittedly after health, I hoped for good looks! Oh and intelligence too of course…
Plus Oliver is so pretty I know what my daughter would have looked liked so no urge for a third on that basis. Hehe!
…Recently mothers of one have been asking me how two is for me and as I look up from tired Max Factor heavy duty pan stick concealed eyes, I quote Tiger Momager Kris Jenner, the Kardashian Matriach with her wise words (season 100, only on E) that, “One is one, two is twenty two”. So true Kris, so true. She’s a modern Aristotle our Kris.
Quite simply two means eyes everywhere, constantly meeting the ever changing different needs of two kids, dealing with first child envy, second child attention seeking, relentless juggling (I work but friends who don’t, say it’s still a mammoth juggle) and sometimes wine before midday.
However, HUGE DISCLAIMER my love for those gorgeous little people has multipled and does so daily. I relish in the adoration my little one has for his older brother and the kindness my second responds with when he’s not whacking him over the head with Buzz Lightyear, pieces of lego or making him wear weird socks (above) and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
OK, I would change the teething frenzied nights and toddler in our bed most nights, for calm kids who love to sleep through, every night solo… but I slept with my folks until I was 7 so the odds are against us there and that’s why Super King size beds were invented, surely?
…Hats off to those with three, four or like both my Grandmothers, five kids. Respect to your vaginas, Fallopian tubes, ovaries and wombs (you get the picture).
Maybe the more you have, the easier it becomes as older kids help raise their siblings and as my GP informed me, “the more babies you carry, the more proficient you are when it comes to pregnancy”. My second was far easier than my first, I really enjoyed my up-the-duffness but I love my sleep too much so two is quite enough for me.
I actually just compulsively yawned thinking about three.
Never say never of course but right now, today, I’m just not broody baby. You?
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