Day Dates


Whilst chatting to one of my best friends, Caroline, a fellow mum of three no-less, earlier, we realised something: that we’re both fans of Day Dates: hiring a babysitter and enjoying a date during the day with our husbands (as opposed to late-night dining and drinking) lapping up lunch, shopping and a glass a wine, basically pretending time and spontaneity is still our oyster two kids later.

As Caroline said, ‘I’m not bothered about going out at night anyway. Day dates mean no hangovers and a chance to shop and eat. What could be better?’.

Nothing, that’s what!

Last week Peter and I were meant to be spending the day at a spa but I’d underestimated the distance to get there and on realising it would be a 4 hour round-trip, we duly cancelled and spent the day in my former Happy Place: Westfield in Hammersmith, shopping for my mumboss uniform aka leisurewear in the Nike shop and eating copious amounts of World Cuisine and several times too throughout the day, thanks to the Food Hall as well as catching up with one another, you know, actually talking and laughing without little people tugging at coats, needing the twentieth wee in an hour and pleading for WiFi so they can catch a freaking Pokemon.

Adult time is pretty damn delicious and necessary.

Look, we live for our kids, we really do but we also acknowledge how vital it is to take time to gift one another some TLC (and Nike sportswear) every now and again too: to take a break from the daily routine and our kids (despite spending most of the date talking about the little munchkins) and enjoying ourselves with a spot of carefree daytime fun!

Day dates are the future. Honest.

Let me know if you try one too!


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Day Dates

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