Hannah Buffy

Wonderful Women Interview with TV Presenter Hannah Buffy

Hannah Buffy
Welcome to Wonderful Women, my series of interviews that features some of the world’s most inspirational and creative women.

In this post, I’m speaking to brilliant TV Presenter, Hannah Buffy.

Buffy began her career working behind the camera as a floor assistant at shopping channel QVC.  She landed her first presenting job in 2013 on the live entertainment show Gala TV and shortly after, Sky1’s culture show ‘What’s Up TV’. 

Buffy loves to bring her fun and energetic personality into her presenting work and always welcomes a challenge.

As such she has cheer-lead with singer/ songwriter OMI, been taught Kung Fu by comedian Joel Dommett, walked the House of Suarez Vogue runway and even tried her hand at bid calling with Storage Hunter’s Sean Kelly. 

With a passion for Children’s TV, Buffy focuses her energies on this section of the industry.  With very few presenting jobs in broadcast Children’s shows and a clear movement of focus from TV to online, Buffy saw a gap in the market and created ‘BTV Kids’  an online show designed to encourage children to get outdoors, become creative and dream big!  

She is looking to become a positive role model for kids of all ages and with a following of 93K on the children’s creative app PopJam she is well on her way!

Describe a typical day for you? 

Every day is different, which is something I truly love about what I do.  One day I could be learning a script for ‘What’s Up TV,’ the next I could be out on a shoot reporting for the Chiswick Buzz on Chiswick TV.  

I do put a lot of time and effort into my own channel BTV Kids which I host on YouTube for children aged 8 to 12.  With several different shows featured on the channel, I spend time researching the companies/ individuals to feature on ‘Let’s Get Sporty’ and ‘Dream Jobs’.  I write briefs for these structured shows to ensure my cameraman, Harry and I are both on the same page on shoot days as well as presenting the items themselves.  I also vlog my walks around London and Surrey, film workout dances and host a podcast all for the 8 to 12-year-old market too.   

As a presenter you have to be prepared to work at a fast pace, whether that’s learning/ relearning scripts, attending shoots at the last minute or fitting auditions in around a busy schedule. My favourite is always when I’m just settling down on the sofa with a cup of coffee and you get a call for a video audition!  You have to quickly source a smart top, throw on some makeup, learn the script and go – whilst below the mid-shot you are in fact still wearing aforementioned PJ bottoms!    

I would, however, say that 95% of my day is spent reminding myself that hard work really does pay off.  Self-motivation is a learning curve and sometimes it’s important to remember the first 9 doors that are slammed tightly shut are the Universe’s way of saying the 10th is where you’re supposed to be.  It’s so important to stay focused.   

What do you feel are your biggest achievements? 

Following my dream and becoming a TV Presenter.  Further to that, though, creating my YouTube channel to encourage children to live healthy lifestyles, get creative and to follow their dreams.  I have wanted to be a Children’s TV Presenter since I was a young girl.  Unfortunately when I graduated from University and started auditioning for jobs, the studio presenter-lead shows I had grown up watching such as SMTV Live and Live & Kicking just didn’t exist anymore.  I don’t feel there are enough role models for children on our screens today (including YouTube) and this is something I intend to change.  Launching my channel has been a huge achievement and I hope the success I’ve had will continue.   

Another big achievement for me has been with the show What’s Up TV.  This is a Sky1 show that airs twice a year in the UK.  For me, having the chance to be on a show of this level in itself is just amazing and the show is lead by someone I look up to in so many ways, Bob Clarke.  He has created a show for youths and young adults that is truly inspiring, entertaining, educational, and has real substance.  I have never been so grateful to be a part of a show that consistently breaks the boundaries and has helped me to progress my career in so many ways.

What’s in your handbag? 

My life!  Generally my iPad mini, my diary, oyster card, purse, keys and a little too much makeup!  I am most definitely a make-up lover and I love trying out new products.  The only problem is I end up loving them all and carrying the whole lot around with me 24/7. 

 My iPad is a staple as I’m sure it is for many bloggers, vloggers and amateur photographers out there.  I can’t help but document my life via social media, as every day here is something I am grateful for.  I use my iPad to film moments such as my ‘Go Walk With Buffy’ vlogs but also to take photos of wildlife, plants, and flowers I come across during my day. 

My aim here is to encourage children to photograph nature and their surroundings (without revealing their location of course!) and not to always feel they have to turn the camera on themselves. I am an activist in keeping children safe online and often find that when you tell a child not to do something they will either continue through defiance or rebellion. What I try to do is suggest a different focus and lead by example.   

What are your ambitions in life? 

To be a positive role model to children and to create a resource like no other that will change their lives for the better.  I have always been an incredibly ambitious person and I hope to one day launch my own successful company which reflects my values but also gives me the chance to continue my passion of presenting.   

I have always wanted to live in LA as well as the UK and this is a huge driving force for me. I hope to have the means to live between these two places in the foreseeable future.   

What career advice do you now know, you wish you’d had on day 1? 

That, as Ellie Goulding once sang, ‘Anything Could Happen’. 

Some people don’t have a clue what they want to do career-wise which I am sure can be very frustrating.  I however, was dead-set on being on the stage in the West End acting, singing and dancing my heart out.  This is something I worked tirelessly to achieve.  I moved to London from Manchester to make this dream come true with little money to my name but a confidence that it was the right decision. 

I landed a job on a well-known shopping channel behind the scenes and attended endless auditions including my top choice ‘The Lion King’  but consistently received the same feedback – ‘your voice is just not strong enough’.  One day a colleague said that they felt I would make a fantastic presenter and that I should give it a go.  This was a conversation that changed my life.  Sometimes you may know exactly where you want to be, but because you are so focused on that dream you don’t realise the very real paths that are opening up right in front of you.  I wish I had had the advice to be more relaxed and open to change rather than seen it as a negative- as I wouldn’t be doing what I am right now without changing my focus and becoming more open.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? 

I see myself at the forefront of the healthy living movement for children in the UK and beyond.  I hope by then to be a household name to kids and parents and to be successful enough to help those less fortunate than myself.  I have fairly huge plans for my company which I can’t really disclose at this moment but let’s just say I hope to bring a positive change to the tween generation!   

What advice would you give a budding presenter? 

I would advise them to launch their own YouTube channel and pick a subject they want to focus on.  I don’t want to sound too old here but, ‘In my day..’ we didn’t have the immediate resources that we have now.  Each and every person has the chance to showcase their talents via YouTube, Facebook Live, a Facebook Page, Twitter, Periscope, Instagram etc.  Social media has given us the chance to build up our profile instantly and this is a resource they should grab with both hands!   

Focusing on a specific subject will help you engage more with your audience and this is something that can, of course, be tweaked as your audience grows.  

I would also say it is extremely important for them to never lose hope.  If they work hard and shout loud enough people will sit up and notice them.  But if your approach to your presenting and profile is halfhearted this really will be reflected in your audience numbers.  People like ambition so put your all into making it happen!    

Finally, happiness is… 

Doing what you love and being proud of what you have achieved.  I was speaking with friend yesterday who is a make-up artist with her own successful company, discussing what drives us to achieve success.  We both agreed that inside all of us all there is a yellow ball of energy…when we work hard and do what we love that energy has no choice but to grow and it’s amazing to see how others are drawn to that positivity.   

For me, happiness is knowing I have done everything in my power to make my dreams come true.  

Watch Buffy’s Showreel here:

BTV Kids is a unique YouTube channel packed full of inspirational videos for kids and tweens broken down into the following key categories: sporting events, indoor/outdoor activity ideas, food crafting, dance tutorials and walks across the UK.

Watch it here and you can follow BTV on Instagram and Twitter

And make sure to follow Buffy on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

If you are interested in being involved in Buffy’s channel in any way please get in touch! – buffystweenvlogs@gmail.com 

Buffy will be on the Sky1 show ‘What’s Up TV’ at 9.30am on the 27th August 2016

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