Susanna Scott

Wonderful Women: Interview with Susanna Scott, Founder of BritMums

Susanna ScottPhoto credit: Jullia Boggia Studios, Home by Midnight

Wonderful Women: Interview with Susanna Scott, Founder of BritMums.

Susanna Scott is founder of BritMums, the UK’s largest collective of lifestyle bloggers. BritMums has 6,000+ blogger representing more than 8,500 blogs, keeping Susanna busy along with her three children, aged 8, 9 and 11 and blog A Modern Mother.

Before BritMums, Susanna was a marketing director in the IT space. Originally from Silicon Valley, in California she has lived in the UK for nearly 20 years.

Describe a typical day for you?

I get up very early, often at 5 am! It started when the girls were small, and I would go to bed when they did, because I knew I wouldn’t get much sleep. Now it’s become a habit. Mornings are wonderful, very quiet and I can get a lot done before the girls get up and get ready for the school run.

What do you feel are your biggest achievements?

Raising three lovely girls! This is also my biggest challenge.  My girls were all born within a 2 and ½ year time span. So they either are best friends, or constantly fighting.  It takes time and a lot of energy to make sure each one get the attention they need.

I would also say that starting BritMums was a huge achievement. When I started it in 2008, it was an act of love and involved a lot of my time, then the conference started and now all of my time is spent helping to grow BritMums into a collective where bloggers can share ideas and support each other.

I love hearing all the blogger success stories, and many will come back and thank BritMums for being so helpful and supportive when they started on their path.

What’s in your handbag/satchel etc?

Tube map. Train schedule. Cough sweets. USB stick. Paracemol. £20. iPhone 5 and my Ollpclip clip 3-in1 and Zoom lenses (I use these exclusively for taking photos for social media).

What are your ambitions in life?

To pass on a set of values to my children. To help them realize there is more to life than Rainbow Loom! To help others not so fortunate. 80% of the world lives in extreme poverty. We live in a bubble

What advice would you give your pre baby self that you now know having had children?

It all passes so quickly, make sure that you actually enjoy our kids growing up and spend less time checking your iPhone!

Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Continuing the grow BritMums to help support and stretch the minds of social influencers.

What advice would you give a budding creative/blogger?

Be true to your values. There’s so much junk out there – make a difference!

Finally, happiness is…

…sipping Pimms in the garden on a sunny June afternoon…


A Modern Mother





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