So my Oliver brings all the girls to the yard lala la lala…and it’s no doubt milk rather than milkshakes seniors he’s still at pre-school (ha!)
Recently though, I’ve been witnessing young girls are starting to notice him. He’s always been popular at nursery (in fact I remember a row of toddler girls standing by the window waving him off aged 2 1/2) but it’s becoming a little more obvious now!
…We’ve recently moved house and neighbouring girls have been giving him some innocent, sweet attention. Aged between 4 and 9, several ride outside our house on their scooters doing wheelie tricks and spins, innocently trying to engage with him. Two approached me the other day and commented they thought Oliver looked ‘cool’.
Oliver is enjoying forming bonds with these new friends (there was only a little boy close by to us in our old house) a smart, sensible, mature little boy, he gets on with everyone: girls and boys and is enjoying this new rights of passage.
And it’s really hitting home that my bambi eyed, floppy haired little hero is maturing and this formative time where children start to notice one another is happening-when he did grow up so quickly?!
I distinctly remember dating twins Jonathan and James (couldn’t choose) aged 4 at primary school walking hand in hand with both in the playground, so young love can start, well young…
It won’t be long until he’s chasing the girls himself no doubt and goodness knows what life will be like when he (and Alexander) become teenagers and start to actually, I’m not sure I will ever be ready to share my boys!?
Photos by Kirsty Mattsson Photography
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