
Why I Blog (It’s Jan 1st 2019 and Year Already Made)


So, it’s Jan 1st 2019 and we’re staying at the beautiful Bruern Cottages in the Cotswolds where we’ve rung in the New Year (I’m actually still tipsy writing this) and I just had to share something that happened to me today which underpins exactly why I blog. Why, despite lacking in confidence at times (yes, really) and sometimes feeling so utterly consumed with self-doubt thanks to the naysayers and trolls (while rare, are understandably annoying), I continue to write, to share both the good and the bad here, and don’t stop… Because of messages like the one I received today.

The email wished me a happy new year and kindly thanked me for being candid about mental health particularly my own and with regards to pregnancy and motherhood and said my blog posts had helped them.

I wrote in my 2005 viral post (since republished several times), Being Honest: Having a Traumatic Birth about the positive effect CBT has had on me, which I was informed today had in turn encouraged a fellow mother and writer to embark on a course with positive results. This person now feels happier and more confident. How wonderful is that?

This, this is why I blog. So YOU don’t feel so alone. So I don’t feel so alone.

We need to lean on one another, because you see, without messages like that, and feedback from you guys, there’s a chance I too might become voiceless and stop writing. There’s a chance I’ll feel stalled and stop sharing. And there’s a chance I’ll feel alone again so thank you and Happy New Year x

P.S If you’re thinking of starting a blog this year, consider your why and hang on to it, it will see you through the twists and the turns, I promise.

Why I Blog

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