Now Beyoncé could well be an 'earth mother' for all I know and what exactly is that anyway I hear you cry... to me it's a wade of days ahead of me filled with fun times with my kids.
It's so easy in life to be constantly chasing dreams, and believe me, I'm a big believer in dreaming big, working hard, and simply going for 'it' whatever 'it' might be, but recently I've had a little shift in thinking...
Kids have honestly made me more creative. That's a fact.
I was of course creative before kids working as a screenwriter, director and magazine get the picture. I was born creative, baby.
Hear me out though, those kids took my creativity to another level.
Throughout history (and I've found throughout my life so far too), creativity arises and thrives within limitations, be it time, budget, tools/access, they exist and are are actually vital in making creativity happen.