
Ooh La La-The Husband’s Modelling Debut On My Blog! Wit Woo!

Ooh la la-the husband’s modelling debut on my blog! Wit woo! You’re welcome!

So the lovely people at Polaroid Sunglasses not only sent me a pair of shades (check out my post) but also my husband Peter, below. These are the pair he’s rocking, titled ‘Ambition’.

Check him out working it for the camera (he’s an amazing photographer and actually took these pics of himself).  Hello? Wow! Some men can multitask then!

If only he was so good at reuniting socks with washing basket! Pete was actually once stopped in the street once and asked if he wanted to join a modelling agency a few years back but never fancied it.  I.T. (and photography) were his calling. I think he would have been fab though, don’t you! Enjoy!


peter swoon 2

Photographs ©Peter Broadbent 

P.S. As a photographer Peter loved the fact being Polaroid glasses, they photograph so well!


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