Shopping on Rodeo Drive
Shopping on Rodeo Drive: ultimate in relaxation for me!

How to Be One Chilled Mama


Shopping on Rodeo Drive

Life can become pretty stressful for parents so it’s super important to try and carve out some ‘you time’ when you can (no, toilet time doesn’t count). For me, even a few minutes a day solo, makes me a better, more chilled out mama be it writing a post or running a hot bath. Here are my tips to becoming a more relaxed you:

1. Why not book an all over massage once in a while. I try and do this on a Saturday every few months when my husband can have the children or on an evening as the salons I go to, open late. I leave feeling like a new woman ready for a full night’s sleep (if only my kids would cooperate).

2. Go to the cinema, alone. I know a lot of folks feel weird about this one but as a filmmaker and cinephile, I love nothing more than to sit in the darkness and lose myself in a movie. Being a former editor of a film magazine and film critic for the BBC, I have spent many years watching films solo. Now if only people wouldn’t crunch popcorn in my ears, I would give it a 100% rating in personal relaxation. Especially if Bradley Cooper’s involved. Swoon.

3. Exercise. I’ve blogged about this before and those who follow my blog know that I love my treadmill like a third child. A third child that makes me thin that is (I know-impossible right?) When I feel stressed out (when do I not?), I  ‘yearn for the burn’ on that mighty machine. It got my booty back after my first child and I’m relying on it again now. Treadmills are not just for drying clothes guys.

4. Bath time. I love a long soak although often find various plastic bath toys taking over my personal space and Mickey does not belong in my bath. I literally de-clutter then light some scented candles and read in the tub. Yes, you read rightly. I love a good read in the bath be it Vogue or the latest bestseller. I’m currently reading genius Tina Fey’s Bossypants.

5. Shopping. Now this really doesn’t deserve to be last on the list as it’s definitely the best kind of therapy for me. I love indulging in all kinds of shopping, be it popping to the supermarket to pick up pack lunch goodies to clothes shopping in Paris or LA. The last I’ve not done post kids sadly (see pics above). 5b . Book a trip to Paris then LA pronto.

What do you do to relax?

Photographs ©Vicki Psarias-Broadbent.

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