Vicki-Honest Mum

Am I ‘Normal’?

Vicki-Honest MumThis is a totally normal way to pose for a photo right?

Ok so we all know ‘normal’ doesn’t really exist but surely everyone can relate to that very real pressure to fit in, you know, feeling like you’re doing the right thing, ticking the boxes of thriving at life, parenting, your job….this oh so common weighing yourself up against the ‘norms’ and trying not to feel the odd one out…

I’m mostly confident in who I am and what I’m doing, not letting others sway the way I lead my life or how I parent… yet sometimes I do find myself wondering how flipping normal we are in this family…

I mean most nights my kids sleep with us. They like it. So do we. They go to sleep in their beds and magically find themselves in ours. Yes I’d love to not have tiny little feet in my back but realistically we do all get a better night’s sleep when we’re together. And no one wants to waste a King Size bed right?

We all seem to SHOUT a lot in this house (sometimes when talking excitedly, usually because shouting drills my point home and I’m originally Greek and we like to shout (disclosure not all Greeks shout, just every Greek in my family).

I’m also totally guilty of shouting at my eldest NOT TO SHOUT! Fail.

Disclosure 2 my husband never shouted before he met me. He says I ruined him. Ha!

We buy too many toy cars, balloons that last a day, soon to be flat footballs and those extortionate kids magazines from Tesco Express no one ever reads that I promise myself I’ll never buy again (every single time). I even end up buying toys sometimes hours after I’ve threatened never to buy toys again.

Can someone please help me to stop controlling my kids through the power of Matchbox £1 car purchases.

There must be another way to get round the supermarket in peace. Thanks…

Oh and sometimes I swear a little and if the kids repeat it, I blame my non swearing husband. Shit, I hope I am normal. Are you?

Photograph by Kirsty Mattsson Photography.

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