Charlotte Worthing

Wonderful Women Interview with Actor Charlotte Worthing

Charlotte Worthing

Charlotte Worthing is an actor who lives in London. Charlie is one half of the onstage duo in Princess Charming, a colourful cabaret for families that investigates gender stereotypes in a fun and joyful way. It delighted my children and also encouraged questions on identity from them, when we watched and interacted with it last year. It’s an engaging, vital, 5 star show every child and their parent should see!

It’s super to welcome Charlotte to the blog.


Describe a typical day for you?

Working freelance means that no two days are the same. I could be rehearsing a show, performing in a show or if I’m in between acting work I could be temping. Although it’s a given that most days start with cup of tea and a long dog walk.


What do you feel are your biggest achievements?

Creating Princess Charming with the rest of the team is definitely one of my biggest achievements. It was an idea that we were passionate about so to see that seed of an idea develop into a fully-fledged production is really exciting. I’m also very proud of my first swimming badge as I was the last one in my class to learn how to swim; I think everyone had given up on me and then one day it just clicked, I remember reaching the side of the pool and everyone cheered!


What’s in your handbag/ satchel?

A wallet with more coffee loyalty cards than I actually need, bits of make-up, normally a couple of lipsticks, chewing gum, my phone, tissues.


What are your ambitions in life?

My ambition is to keep making lovely shows with brilliant people.


What do you wish you’d known at the start of your career you now know?

That this sort of career doesn’t essentially have a linear progression.


What helps you when self-doubt sets in (as it does for all of us)

Long walks. Cups of tea and chats with the people that I love and lots of puppy cuddles.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Hopefully still acting and working on shows as rewarding as Princess Charming!


What advice would you give a budding actor?

Grab all the opportunities you can. Go and see a variety of things, you can also watch a lot of theatre online. Read plays and film and TV scripts of the shows that you love. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Be happy for your friends and celebrate their successes. Focus on doing things that you love and if there’s a kind of play that you want to be in that doesn’t exist then make it yourself. Give yourself a break when it doesn’t go your way. I got into drama school on my 4th year of trying, it was really frustrating at the time but now I’m glad I had the chance to do other things, it made me more focused and I realised that I definitely wanted to do it.


Finally, happiness is…

Happiness is bangers, mash, onion gravy and peas.




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Wonderful Women Interview with Actor Charlotte Worthing - Honest Mum


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