Oliver on his play motorbike

Vroom Vroom…

Oliver on his play motorbike

Vroom Vroom….

Oliver is the lucky recipient of a lot of my blogger perks and this bike from Kiddie Bikes really made his day. As soon as he saw it, he started shouting, ” Wow look at my motorbike, I’m going to go so fast on it” before leaping straight on and literally ‘vrooming’ around the house on it.

Perfect for in and outdoor fun, this trike in the shape of a motorbike is now a firm favourite of the little man’s.  We were sent the Kiddie Bike Maxi in silver and found it to be well made, robust (it even survived Oliver’s attempts to ride into walls, chairs, the dining table and an empty cot-think we’ll stick to outdoor play from now on), it is fairly priced at £29.99 and delivered free in the UK.

I’d totally recommend it for any motorbike fan of the little people variety.

Photographs  ©Peter Broadbent.

We were sent the bike in return for this honest review.

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