cute baby

Hello Baby

cute baby

Hello Baby.

Priddy Books kindly sent 5-week-old Alexander one of their books: ‘hello baby’ from their stimulating range of high contrast books for babies.

Ever the academic, I believe it’s never too early to start learning. ‘hello baby’ is  suitable for 0-6-month-olds and features a mirror die cut through all the pages, fascinating babies whiles encouraging self-recognition.

Alexander found the book intriguing and I really enjoyed our time together watching our faces reflected in the mirrors, he was totally alert, looking at the striking patterns on each page.

Research indicates that babies respond best to high contrast colours, shapes and patterns and black and white are the easiest colours for newborns to see. Early visual stimulation encourages baby’s overall development and this book combines all of the above in a bright, well made, easy to hold, first book for baby.

I’m looking forward to more special times with Alexander as he grows along with the book.

We were sent this book in return for an honest review.

Book is £4.99.

Photographs © Peter Broadbent

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