My brother and his fiancée have recently had a beautiful bouncing baby boy Zachary, and we’ve been excitingly chatting about his first holiday next year.
I travelled to Cyprus with my first born Oliver at 6 months, solo, to meet my folks out in Cyprus where they were holidaying, and I remember how hard it was. I couldn’t go to the toilet for the whole duration of the flight and wrestling with prams at arrival and luggage nearly brought me to tears.
Travelling with Xander at the same age but with my husband this time, to Portugal made life a lot easier!
I’ve compiled some tips for those looking for advice on taking a baby on a flight.
I hope they help:
Don’t forget your baby’s passport.
Buy your kid’s flight ticket. In the UK, kids under 2 go free but other charges might apply and always check with your airline when booking.
Long haul flights often provide a cot but again check with the airline first.
Also check what baggage allowance, if any baby is allowed. Really. Food and milk for baby are allowed on the flight but you will probably be asked to taste it when you go through security (yup, you read that right)!
Don’t forget in your changing bag/hand luggage to take several changes of clothes: nappies, wipes and anything else your baby might need on and once you arrive at your destination such as a blanket. I also take my own change of clothes due to baby-mess on mama.
Take blankets, toys, soft books and anything that might occupy baby.
The dreaded ‘airplane ear’ can be a nightmare for babies and adults alike. Your baby’s ears react to pressure much the same as yours. The biggest difference is that you understand what is going on while the baby doesn’t (eek).
Breastfeeding/bottle feeding or a dummy/ soother can encourage swallowing, helping to ease the pressure. Sleeping babes tend to not have problems with this, relaxation helps the ears self-correct.
I always like to place some cotton wool in my kids’ ears to block the loud noise from the aircraft.
Don’t forget medicine too and of course any prescribed medicine for your baby too as children can become unwell on a flight and you don’t want to be caught short.
Be kind to yourself. If your baby cries, of course try your best to soothe but accept if it doesn’t, ignore the looks and remind yourself all the passengers were once a baby too.
It goes without saying to book hotels/private holiday villas which are child-friendly and can accomodate your children’s needs. Check before arrival that there will be a safe cot for your baby set up and somewhere to heat up milk if neccessary. Importantly, find out if there are safety precautions/ measured taken around the pools/ activities on offer and that any balconies or communal areas are safe.
You might also like to enquire what childcare facilities are on offer if staying at a hotel or resort. Are there Kids’ Clubs where you are staying and what’s on offer for families near to where you are staying.
The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you’ll feel!
Happy travels.
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