Welcome to Creative Lives, a feature where I shine the spotlight on the talented guys and gals who are creative pioneers in their respective industries.
This month, I'm speaking to Ben Garrod, biologist, broadcaster and star of his very own educational theatre show for kids, So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs: an interactive, fun-filled show designed show kids how wacky and wild dinosaurs really were!
I literally can't believe my baby boy, Xander turned 3 on Sunday, my charming, loveable, second born son is simply growing up too quickly and I'd like it to stop, STOP I tell you- I want him to remain my baby always, and I suppose he always will be just that, my littlest, youngest love.
We're having a bit of a 90's revival in our house right now, reflecting on the good ol' days thanks to YouTube, as I take my kids down memory lane and some of the best telly EVER made. I'm so pumped, I've very nearly drawn a Cindy Crawford style beauty spot above my lips in excitement.
Last Saturday we got up early at 6am (what's new) and set off to the former European Capital of Culture (2008), the utterly beautiful Liverpool for bustling chestnut smelling- Christmas markets and Ice Festival fun in the centre.