I reckon I might just be a bit of a Peter Pan ( why there isn't a female equivalent to the youth-chasing PP I don't know, but that surely requires a whole other post)- essentially my point is, I refuse to GROW UP or more so, I don't feel that different from the 21 year old girl I was erm, (Googles a calculator)-14 years ago (case in point)- despite two kids and 2 c-sections (ouch) and cement thick concealer to hide my my eye bags.
I don't fall for the 'I don't like Valentine's Day because it's too commercialised' kind of statements-I fittingly love, LOVE, LOVE it! Why? Because it's a day to celebrate love whether that's romantic or otherwise and no one can have too much love (or red roses) can they?!
I want to start by writing how incredibly grateful I am that this blog means wonderful travel opportunities for my family and I which allows us to see and experience parts of the world we've not visited before, both near and far.
As you get older and perhaps a little wiser (or in my Dad's case, sillier, much, much sillier-it can go both ways) you start to realise what really matters in life.
I think having kids can do that to you, that whirlwind of new love for the kid you made merged with the mammoth overwhelming weight of responsibility (no more spontaneity in life is pretty sobering) and puts everything that came before, and after it, into sharp perspective.
You don't need to have a kid for this I should add. Yay for being wiser without having to actually use your cervix! Life experience, travel, pets, nurturing plants, charity work, whatever it is that takes you out of yourself, can be enlightening,
It got me thinking about all the tiny touching moments that make up the bigger picture, the intricately woven happy-making little things I reflect on right before I go to sleep or if I'm away from my kids, missing them madly, or my zone out to more joyous times when I find the children fighting over toys/films/my affection and I need a happy place pronto.
On last week's date night, Peter had to share me with 8 others (hey, not like that you naughty ones at the back)...we were invited along with several other food bloggers to review new Leeds eaterie COSMO which opened in November 2013...
I recently wrote about my new and improved more chilled way of life and although most days my mission seems mostly impossible, I'm really trying to stick to even a few small changes to daily life to help me be more zenned than before. Dark chocolate scoffing counts right? Seriously though, running blog business, a screenwriting career and two kids is never easy but once my little children are fast asleep and the big deadlines have been done and dusted with, it's time to chill out.