
And Relax…



I recently wrote about my new and improved more chilled way of life and although most days my mission seems mostly impossible, I’m really trying to stick to even a few small changes to daily life to help me be more zenned than before. Dark chocolate scoffing counts right?

Seriously though, running a blog business, a screenwriting career and two kids is never easy but once my little children are fast asleep and the big deadlines have been done and dusted with, it’s time to chill out.

Below is what I like to do.

I’d love to hear your top 5 chill out tips too.

1. Date Night.

I literally count down the days until Thursday for mine and my husband’s date night. Grandparents take over for the night as we head out for an intimate meal a deux be it sushi, Greek, French or Italian. Having time out for both of us over wine and actually enough quiet to actually hear ourselves speak sans kids, is utter bliss. I love the dressing up part to the night too. Nearly as much as the food!

2. Drawing.

I used to draw and paint a lot. It was my first love but it’s fallen by the wayside recently and I have recently forced myself to make time to at least draw again. My husband is a creative guy too and he often draws on his smart phone in bed. Where there’s a will, there’s a way thanks to new technology.

3. Bath time.

Bathroom relaxation is the best right? There’s nothing I love more than a relaxing soak in my favourite bath oils (once I’ve removed the thousand rubber bath toys of course)!

4. Acupuncture.

As I mentioned before this is my latest obsession and I plan to make it long term. I’ve never felt more relaxed than with those fine, little needles working their magic and they’ve helped everything from PMT to post-run leg pain. Amazing.

5. Pampering.

Always a fan of pampering (aren’t we all!), I am trying to find time for a monthly facial and massage and twice monthly blow dry. I will pop in for the odd mani and pedi too but not as regularly. Confidence boosting and relaxing, I always feel like a new woman when I leave the salon.

Photo by Mc Jefferson Agloro on Unsplash.

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My debut book is my guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home and offers insight into how to create a digital business or return to work with confidence.

Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(UK 2nd Edition)

Available on Amazon or Audible

MUMBOSS by Vicki Psarias

The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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Available September 8th 2020. Order now on Amazon

The Working Mom by Vicki Psarias

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