So those who follow this blog might have read my post: 'When Your Weight Fluctuates' on my recent weight gain. No biggie really-pun intended- but enough to make me want to do something about it.
For those who follow this blog (yes you few million at the back *cough cough), you'll know I've been doing the 5:2/ Fast Diet over the last month and this week is my 5th (*proud, slimmer face).
I'm now on week 3 of Dr Michael Moseley's revolutionary Fast Diet-where he advocates eating normally for 5 days and 'fasting' (consuming 500 cals for women, 600 for men) for the remaining 2. Moseley found this way of eating helps lower the hormone IGF -1 which assists us in growing as children but ages us in adulthood.
So like the millions of others, I too have succumbed to sampling this 'new' (I say new, but it's based on ancient principles of fasting) diet from Dr Michael Moseley. Like many, I watched his Horizon documentary: 'Eat, Fast and Live Longer' on BBC2 in total awe, rewatching it with my mother, both resolute we would give it a go.
My first pregnancy was pretty tough with daily vomiting continuing until I was 28 weeks. Not fun. At. All. It also meant living on walkers, dry biscuits and dairylea (whatever I could stomach) daily and sadly no exercise (even a ride in the car induced puking).