
Presents for Oliver

Presents for Oliver.

Being a blogger has it’s perks-as well as sometimes getting paid for posts, companies often contact me and ask whether they can send me gifts for Oliver. Check out the presents for Oliver below from Find me a Gift . Lucky Oliver!

I’ll let the pictures do the talking…

superhero set

This super hero Mega Craft set is basically Blue Peter in a box.  (£5.99) This is what Oliver got up to with it:



collageClever boy (and Mummy!)

Next up was My Pet Firefly (£15.99) which utterly transfixed the kid. It takes a lot to do that.



And finally after all that hard work, eggs and soldiers to celebrate. The cutest little Soldier Egg Cup and Toast Cutter Set (£4.99) I’ve ever seen and got Oliver eating his toast!

Egg holder

Oliver eating an egg

We got to kindly keep the products reviewed in exchange for this post.

Photographs ©Peter Broadbent.

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