Honest Mum

My Mumboss Leeds Book Party & Q & A at the Rainbow Factory

Pregnant Then Screwed Live

More Mumboss fun!

My Northern weekend was quite the whirlwind a few weeks back and I’m tired all over again from just writing about it. First stop was Windsor to Manchester to chat to comedian Victoria Cook about the juggle of being a blogger and mum at Joeli Brearley’s brilliantly empowering Pregnant Then Screwed Live conference (the UK festival of motherhood and work) where I got to share my own journey from broken first-time mum to blogger and vlogger. I also did a book signing which sold out (love you all) and got lots of cuddles with amazing mamas and gorgeous babies too. My ovaries were aching!

Pregnant Then Screwed Live Honest Mum speaks at Pregnant Then Screwed Live Honest Mum signs Mumboss books MUMBOSS books Mumboss book

5 photos above by Claire Brookes Photography.

I then dashed down the motorway to Leeds to party with family, friends and readers alike, at the Olive Tree Greek Restaurant in Headingley where guests dined on plant-based and meaty treats, quaffed a heck of a lot of bubbles (standard-and lol at ‘quaffed’) and got to support yours truly, by buying signed books on the night.

Thank you, beautiful people!

Thanks too to designer to royalty (REALLY) Dhela for the Bardot dress of dreams! Pillowbox red bag c/o Dara Ford and shoes are Kurt Geiger bought in the sale last season.

Honest Mum

From best mates, blogger pals and old friends I’d not seen since I was 16 as well as readers I feel I’ve known since I was 16 despite only ever seeing them in my phone (!) the Leeds book party was a warm, intimate affair celebrating getting #Mumboss out into the world and a chance to thank those I couldn’t have written the book without, like my supportive folks and friends.

The Olive Tree Greek RestaurantAs with the London party, the kids were part of the festivities and lapped up staying up late playing with their buddies and dancing to the live guitarist. It was so lovely to see so many incredible friends I’ve met online or have known for years (like lovely Nicola, Louise and family and Danni and her husband below) there to cheer me on!

friends friends at Mumboss party

Candid shots below as I gave a little speech to thank everyone!

phone records the Mumboss party Honest Mum gives a speech Honest Mum and her mum give a speech at her party

It’s funny because despite the book release now being several weeks ago, I still can’t believe I’ve written a book and can call myself an author.  It’s as delicious as it’s surreal and rather like having your first baby, everyone keeps asking me when I’m writing my second book (!).

I think a third baby is more likely on the cards before that happens to be honest…. I’m just so grateful for the response to Mumboss. I never expected it to become an Amazon bestseller and to receive 100% 5/5 reviews. Thank you all…

The Sunday saw me spend the afternoon at one of this family’s happy places in Yorkshire, the revolutionary Rainbow Factory whose focus is merging storytelling with arts and crafts and drama. Soft-play this is not. Chatting to Northern parents and seeing fab friends (Louise and Rachael have been mates of mine for yonks) made my heart full. Corny af but so bloody true. We Yorkshire lasses do not lie!

Rainbow Factory

Here with two of my oldest pals Rachel and Louise of Baker Lou who I’ve known since I was a tween and teenager! Time flies!


Friend and former neighbour Emma and her family!

friends book signing book signing

What a whirlwind. I think I slept for a week after this! What a pleasure sharing Mumboss with the UK has been!

Buy my bestselling book in paperback or audio

My debut book is my guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home and offers insight into how to create a digital business or return to work with confidence.

Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(UK 2nd Edition)

Available on Amazon or Audible

MUMBOSS by Vicki Psarias

The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(US/Canada Edition)

Available September 8th 2020. Order now on Amazon

The Working Mom by Vicki Psarias

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