shirt dress

The Importance Of Using A Tailor

Shirt dress

As my mum likes to remind me, some of the most stylish women in the world, the French regularly use tailors, especially when buying from the high street and in the long-run, it actually SAVES money as you don’t get rid of your clothes so frequently as they fit you perfectly and more so, you feel your most confident self while rocking them. What could be better?

I’m a bit of a yoyo-er body-wise thanks to PCOS although the last six months have seen me lose a fair bit of weight and keep it off thanks to living the plant-based life (I will never go back now)-saving my waistline and the planet in the process.

This has meant most of my wardrobe not fitting me however and there’s nothing worse than baggy dresses which just look unflattering, particular when others are taking photos of you on book tour (love you guys really)!

Enter stage left a tailor I’ve been using in Windsor (FYI Perfect Tailoring and Alteration on St Leonards Road for my Windsor readers) who have taken in almost everything I own from jackets (even my Barbour jacket which takes some skill), dresses, shirts, shirt dresses like the one above, jeans and even a night dress. The men who work there are kind, professional and work quickly.

I’m so glad I found them.

I was recently measured by a designer and told my back is a UK size 12, my waist is 6-8 and my hips and legs are a 10-no wonder I struggle on the high street and waver from a size 6-12 there.

I’ve forked out a fair bit of a money on the tailors but a lot less than replacing said pieces and I’m getting so much more wear out of the tailored items, buying capsule pieces to update them so I don’t get bored.

Alongside using a tailor I was incredibly lucky to have brilliant designer and now friend, Dara Ford create me a bespoke dress and jacket recently for my London book launch afternoon tea and Q & A with Acting Deputy Editor of Marie Claire Andrea Thompson, at the Royal Garden Hotel, and undoubtedly nothing beats bespoke. I will treasure the striking red dress and black jacket with vintage kimono detailing forever and you’ll be seeing a lot of it here soon.

Dara has written a super post on how to choose a tailor in 7 easy steps.

Made-to-measure and tweaking to measure is the way forward, I promise.

Do you use a tailor too. I can’t praise doing so enough!


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The Importance Of Using A Tailor - Honest Mum


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