chicken and crab noodle broth

Chicken and Crab Noodle Broth with Coriander Omelette

Chicken and Crab Noodle Broth with Coriander Omelette

Chicken and Crab Noodle Broth with Coriander Omelette.

chicken and crab noodle broth

One of Peter’s faves!

chicken and crab noodle broth

He deems it aromatic and tasty and promises that will fill you up. OK, he never said that but it’s what he thinks!

chicken and crab noodle broth

Serves 6


  • 2 chicken legs, skinned
  • 1.75 lts/ 3 pints water
  • Spring onions
  • piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
  • a few black peppercorns
  • 3 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
  • 75g brown rice noodles
  • 4 oz fresh white crab meat
  • 3tbsp soy sauce
  • sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • coriander
  • sprinkle of dried or deseeded and fresh red chillies.

For the omelettes

  • 4 eggs
  • fresh coriander
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil



chicken and crab noodle broth

Place the chicken and water in a large pan. Bring to the boil, simmer and cook for 20/30 minutes. Skim the grey surface every so often so the water looks as clear as possible.

Slice the spring onions and add the ginger, peppercorns and garlic into the pan with seasoning.  Simmer for 1 1/2-2 hours.

Cook the noodles for a few minutes.

Beat the eggs and add some finely chopped coriander and season. Fry in some coconut oil and flip over when one side is cooked. Roll up the omelettes.

Remove the chicken legs from the stock and strain the stock into another pan. When the chicken cools, removes the meat from the bone and shred/ cut thinly.

Bring the stock back to the boil and add the chicken, noodles, spring onions and crab meat, and simmer for a few minutes. Add the soy sauce.  Taste and season more if needed or add more soy sauce. Add the chilli here.

Pour the soup into bowls, add the omelettes and more coriander and enjoy.



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