A Vibrant Festive Schedule of Children’s TV on the BBC Awaits

We were the grateful recipients of this glorious gift box from BBC Children’s and Education department last week celebrating what’s on offer for kids this season on the BBC.

Within the contents were vibrant Christmas cards featuring festive illustratrations by Quentin Blake, Jacqueline Wilson’s captivating novel The Primrose Railway Children, inspired by E.Nesbit’s classic, a special edition of Quentin Blake’s Thirteen Things You Cannot Really Manage Without as well magnets also illustrated by him, and a selection of CBBC branded items inlcuding a bag, water bottle and keyrings.

This season you can enjoy a brand-new drama Primrose Railway Children, a new series of the Famous Five based on Enid Blyton’s iconic stories I grew up on (and always say my childhood in the quaint town of Ilkley felt like a Blyton upbringing) as well as an animated adaptation of Quentin Blake’s Angel Pavement and Loveykins, and this year’s CBeebies Panto, Beauty and the Beast.

How wonderful, you can always count on the BBC to bring the sparkle to Christmas TV!


Little and big kids are in for a treat over the holidays!

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