
Yesterday Something Scary Happened…


Yesterday Something Scary Happened….

I pondered as to whether I should write this or not. What happened yesterday was pretty upsetting. Ultimately, I concluded it was for the best to write it down and get it out as it might help another mother who takes her eyes off her child for one split milisecond.

Oliver is a toddler who has never, literally ever, put anything in his mouth (besides food and a dummy before he hit 15 months)-not tops of pens or toy cars or lego or anything.  Nada. Yesterday as my mother and I tucked into our jacket potatoes and beans and Oliver his pasta in a coffee shop,  Oliver took the lid off his kids’ size bottle of apple juice and put the whole piece in his mouth. We realised immediately and I will never forget him gagging.

It was a large enough top to stay in his mouth as opposed to him swallowing it, and I calmly and quickly removed it. My Mum said her legs were about to go.

It was awful. In one second he had placed a large bottle top in his mouth. It could happen to anyone and I’m sure it has. I definitely won’t be relying on the old, ‘he’s never put anything in his mouth before’-yes he is striving for independence, yes some days, he seems to have a wider vocabulary than me, but he’s still a little boy. A little 2 and 2 month old boy who can sometimes do silly things that can (but thankfully) didn’t, have horrible consequences.

Lesson learned for both of us.

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