January 1st marks the new year and it is also when the Greek Orthodox church commemorates Saint Basil, the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia. It is my Mum, Vasoulla’s name day (the feminine for Basil and it also fittingly means Queen) and I’ve discovered thanks to Greek City Times, that it is also my name day as Vicki derives from Vasoulla, something my mother and I were not aware of until today!
Every year, my Mum or we, along with my children, collectively bake this New Year cake known as vasilopita in Greek. A one pound coin, wrapped in foil is placed in the mixture and whoever finds it in their slice upon cutting is said to have good luck all year long. My eldest son Oliver found it this year!
Add the yoghurt, orange juice, orange and lemon zest until the mixture is thick and gloopy. Add the coin wrapped in foil into the mixture.
Slowly pour the mixture into a greased 10 cup (large) bundt tin and make sure the whole tin is covered evenly including the sides. Bake for approximately 45 minutes. Add a skewer into the centre and if it is clean on removal, the cake is baked through. Leave to cool for at least 15 minutes before adding sieving icing sugar to decorate along with the orange slices and pomegranate seeds.
Whoever cuts the slice with the coin is said to have good luck all year long!
Happy new year!
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