My daughter, Florence, almost 3, has always been mature for her age. An old soul. She spoke early and has had the benefit of her older brothers as mentors as well as my mother and I, both former teachers and lecturers respectively, as well as my annoying genius of a husband (ha), teaching and guiding her from birth.
I’ve raised all of my children the Montessori way in their early years, including them in daily life early on and allowing them age-appropriate independence to help them mature but also feel an important member of the family whether that might be stirring mixing bowls as I cooked or clearing up their toys together. I believe this has improved their confidence when it comes to trying new things and equally push themselves out of their comfort zone.
Reading from birth as my own mother read to me has also played a huge part in my children’s love of books and storytelling and also how prepared they were before starting school.
Florence knows her numbers, shapes, colours and can write the first letter of her name. She turned 3 a few weeks ago.
It felt appropriate to look into more formal teaching aids with Edurino’s starter sets for ages 4-8 to support Florence’s educational journey as she moves towards learning to read and improving her recognition with written words, numbers and shapes.
The Edurino Phonics Skills Starter Set was sampled first.
How does it work?
Firstly, you download the free Edurino app, press and hold your figurine and the glowing circle to begin, and that’s when the fun starts. Your child then navigates their way through the app with the Edurino pen which is specifically designed to support correct pen grip.
With the character Mika supporting learning, the child begins to become familiar with letters and sounds.
The most effective learning is through play and this app certainly offers the child fun.
There are 60+ learning games teaching phonics skills with exercises which help the learner to recognise upper and lower case letters, as well as writing letters correctly, identifying letter sounds and harnessing handwriting and fine motor skills.
With so many educational games on offer, this set will grow and adapt with my daughter as I support her using the app.
Playful learning that will help Florence in her early years of education, complementing the subtle teaching she receives in nursery and at home, in preparation for school. My middle child, 12 year old Alexander helped support Florence as she worked her way through the app.
The Numbers & Shapes Starter Set works in the same way, via the app, this time with Robin on hand to help the young learner uncover hidden treasures, bringing the world of numbers to life.
With 40+ learning games, providing recognition for written numbers 1-10, an introduction to addition as well as discovering shapes and supporting handwriting and fine motor skills, this is another entertaining and valuable tool for little learners.
We’re impressed with both, and will continue to use these starter kits until Florence attends schools and beyond.
These were kindly gifted but as always, my words are honest.
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My debut book is my guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home and offers insight into how to create a digital business or return to work with confidence.
Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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