The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

12 Days of Kindness with The Week Junior

A sponsored post.

The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

The greatest lesson I hope I’ve taught my children, is to be kind. It’s the most important quality one can possess and exercise and it’s the foundation in which character should be built upon. Kindness means empathy, compassion, generosity, forgiveness and love. Everything stems from kindness.

The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

This Christmas, The Week Junior are helping to spread cheer with their 12 Days of Kindness challenge, encouraging kids to bring joy to family and friends (and themselves) during the festive season through thoughtful actions and homemade gifts.

With a poster to pull out and stick up which features 12 thoughtful ways to demonstrate kindness and keep you on track each of the twelve days, this is a meaningful way to bring a smile to others and feel the spirit of Christmas, thanks to the act of giving.

My sons Oliver, 10, and Alexander, 8, selected a few activities from the poster (they will be completing all 12 days in December) to help inspire you to have a go at the Kindness challenge for yourself.

The Week Junior l Honest Mum

Together, they made Christmas cards with glitter glue, stickers I bought from Amazon, and felt tip pens as well as writing Thank You cards for their grandparents who have been kindly sending gifts and letters in the post during the lockdowns.

The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

Oliver and Xander have a chores rota at home to do demonstrate extra kindness, Oliver vacuuming the lounge and his bedroom twice in one day for me and Alexander phoned his Grandma Fifi in South Africa to check how she and Grandad David were, and to ask them what they’d like Santa to bring them for Christmas. Sweet!

The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

There’s so much your children can do for this 12 Days of Kindness challenge. Other activities on the poster include baking festive treats, donating books, toys and clothes to charity/ food banks (something we do regularly, here), singing to a loved one in celebration of Action for Children’s virtual family carol concert Starry Night, being kind to yourself and doing something that makes you happy, picking up litter and looking after the environment, flashing a wide smile to help others smile too and becoming a Secret Santa for a vulnerable child, giving a virtual gift with Action for Children at Wonderful!

The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

You can visit to help you complete each day of kindness, ticking each one off your poster as you go. What fabulous festive activities that boost yours and others’ wellbeing!

The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

The Week Junior would love to hear about your kind acts so please email them at and you can follow the hashtags #12daysofkindness and #TheWeekJunior on social media for inspiration too ( please ensure you have a parent or guardian’s permission to do these things).

The Week Junior's 12 Days of Kindness Challenge l Honest Mum

Enjoy the challenge x

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