
You Are Not Alone This Christmas-Numbers To Call


I wanted to share some important websites and phone numbers below if you find yourself alone, lonely or need of help this Christmas or at any point.

Of course, if you’re in immediate danger, please call 999.

If you need to discuss problems or trauma, please don’t hesitate to call the numbers below. You are not a burden on anyone OK and you are not alone. It’s a strength not a weakness to reach out for support. You are loved and people care about you.

I care about your safety and wellbeing.

Christmas can be a heightened, stressful period for some as timelines appear to be full of happy times spent with friends and family. For many though, it’s a time of financial burden, anxiety, family rifts, addiction and abuse.

If you or your family need to speak to someone, please call the numbers below.

Equally, if you know of anyone in need this season who could do with food, shelter or company, please be welcoming and generous, it could mean the world to someone.

Sending love and peace to you this Christmas x


Childline: 0800 1111


Samaritans: 116 123


The Calm Zone: 0800 585 858


Womens Aid/ Refuge Charity: 0808 2000 247


Mind Charity: 0300 123 3393


Age UK: 0300 169 6565


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