Pregnancy – and especially your first pregnancy – can be a daunting experience. As a self-certified hypochondriac, even the smallest ailment is enough to to send my worry-levels into overdrive, so as you can imagine, when ‘with bump’ this was a million times worse.
And of course, as much as I love the internet, when it comes to self-diagnosis it is most definitely a foe.
Three pages deep into Google and I’ve convinced myself of the worst and I’m on the phone (probably crying) to my doctor mate, Will, who is trying to reassure me that everything is absolutely fine.
However, 8 months into first pregnancy my health did take a turn for the worst when I was diagnosed with the pregnancy liver condition ICP.
The doctors kept me under close observation and ran regular tests, but of course back home I would head straight to Google for more information, where I would be met with a minefield of information, leaving me feeling confused and scared for both my health and that of my unborn son.
It was a scary enough time as it was and I literally banned myself from going online, keeping a close eye on my symptoms and heading for my GP or even the hospital when I was worried.
…The sheer level of health information on the web is overwhelming and so much of it isn’t reliable- however expectant mothers are now in luck as a brand new health app, Bonzun has launched, which provides a one-stop shop of the best health and medical information to support you during your pregnancy and beyond.
With 800k users worldwide, Bonzun is a pioneering app that acts as a medical symptom checker and health test monitor that alerts you when something is abnormal.
The app (which is available on Android and iOS) gives expectant mums greater peace of mind by delivering accurate information about your personal health data as well as allowing you to monitor your baby throughout the pregnancy.
With easy to use pages, this is a vital new app for all expectant parents.
The app has a number of impressive functions.
• Test tracker function
• Baby movement tracker
• Push notifications to help fathers/grandparents feel involved.
• Symptom checker
• On-hand live 1:1 24/7 medical professional advice
• Latest pregnancy health information
The most unique feature is a test tracker function that monitors and tracks routine urine and blood test results throughout your pregnancy alerting you to seek professional advice if abnormalities show.
There is also a library of pregnancy-specific symptoms to help give you better peace of mind, as your body changes.
The app was launched by Swedish entrepreneur, Bonnie Roupé, who started the company after experiencing serious health complications during her own pregnancy and like myself found that the process of searching the internet for answers was a lengthy and difficult process.
Bonzun’s belief is that no expectant mother should experience preventable health complications just because they are unable to get quick access to information that could give them better peace of mind or even save their life.
Not only is it helping mothers here in the UK.
The app initially launched in China where 1.2m babies are born with defects in China alone. It is estimated that 300K of these could have been born healthy if mothers had access to more information that helped families make more informed decisions about their health. Bonzun is helping to change families’ lives every single day – how amazing is that?
For more information on Bonzun and how to download the app head to their website.
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Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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