Wonderful Women Interview with Kelle Bryan.
Kelle Bryan was part of Britain’s most successful R&B group ever, Eternal, selling over 10 million records, notching up 14 top 15 UK hits and four top ten albums, as well as achieving Brit Award nominations, MOBOs and Smash Hits Awards, embarking on 4 world tours and even performing for Pope Jean Paul II.
In 2000, Kelle experienced an aggressive bout of degenerative symptoms (including arthritic joint pain, severe mouth and skin ulcers and hair loss.)
Doctors diagnosed Kelle with Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, and she was hospitalised for treatment.
Once released from the hospital, determined to support her health through diet and exercise, she gained a black belt in kickboxing after some months taking kickboxing lessons.
In the same year, she was given the great honour of becoming a celebrity patron of the Saint Thomas Lupus Trust, a cause she continues to campaign to raise awareness of.
Kelle Bryan is also an Ambassador for the Family and Childcare Trust and is working with them in supporting their campaign to make British childcare more effective and affordable for working parents as part of National Family Friendly Working Week (#FamilyFriendlyWeek).
Kelle is calling on parents to sign a petition asking the government to invest £535 million in improving the inflexible and expensive, existing Childcare system. You can support the petition here.
Today, Kelle is happily married and a mother to 4-year-old Regan and 18 month old-year-old Kayori Rose, and is the founder of talent management agency Advocate Agency.
1. Describe a typical day for you?
I’m up by 5.30am to pray, say a brief goodbye to my husband, bathe and dress the kids before I get them off to nursery then I hit the gym.
I’m usually at my desk for 10am, there is no typical day for me which is healthy as it keeps me on my toes my days can be as varied as herding sheep to reading a script.
2. What do you feel are your biggest achievements?
My biggest achievements are having and raising 2 healthy, happy children, selling over 15 million records, getting through chemotherapy and having the guts to start and develop my own media company Advocate Agency.
3. What’s in your handbag/satchel etc?
A slimmed down quick fix make up bag, medication, a bottle of water, kiddie snacks and small toys, a pack of tissues, wipes, my iPad , a battery pack, a card holder and my mobile phone.
4. What are your ambitions in life?
To be a great friend, mum, wife and daughter. To laugh hard daily , to win an Oscar, to watch a client win an Oscar.
5. What advice would you give your pre-baby self that you now know having had a child?
I could be here a very long time, one thing I can say is I’m happy I waited to have my children.
My advice would be to get as much sleep as you can, go out have fun, make sure you move somewhere that has a great family community spirit.
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I see myself working on a international basis, healthy, having a larger property portfolio and cheerfully watching my 10 year old son and 8 year old daughter flourish.
7. What advice would you give a budding Singer/Actor/ Entrepreneur?
Read all the resources you can, spend time immersing yourself in your chosen environment, dress the part even before you get there. Listen first speak later.
8. Finally, happiness is…
Being happy with where you are (you are responsible for it), who you are, (you can always change it ) where your going and who you are becoming.
Follow Kelle on Twitter HERE
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Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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