Ruby Lovell

Wonderful Women Interview with Children’s Author Ruby Lovell

Ruby Lovell

Ruby Lovell is a woman of many talents, having worked as a TV and film producer, hip-hop artist and children’s book author. Ruby moved from Sri Lanka to London when she was 7 years old and experienced difficulties assimilating because many of the children she encountered knew little about non-English cultures.

As the mother of Anglo-Asian children in the UK, Ruby has become a strong advocate for diversity in children’s literature, resulting in her writing her first book Ruby Rides an Elephant.

Alongside these exciting ventures, she is also a passionate dog lover, enthusiastic tennis player and a full-time mum to Jacob and Monty.


Describe a typical day for you?

My day starts at 6.15am with waking up and letting my dog out and then preparing breakfast for my children and getting them off to school on time! Then it’s check emails and go to meetings/work on the lyrics for a new track /go to studio to record or work on my books. No day is the same for me! I try to be home by 7pm so I can spend time with my children and prepare dinner and oversee homework..


What do you feel are your biggest achievements?

(1)Writing my children’s book, (2) recording my album which will be released in April this year and (3) producing a Feature Film. All these projects took a lot of time and effort to see through to the end : and I feel a real sense of satisfaction and achievement.


What’s in your handbag/ satchel?

A bottle of water to make sure I’m well hydrated throughout the day, 2 phone battery packs and a charger as I’m always on the phone and on the go! A packet of almonds as I rarely get to eat lunch on time so this is to sustain me from hunger pangs! A small tub of Vaseline for my lips and a few make-up essentials like mascara and lipstick.


What are your ambitions in life?

To make a positive difference in people’s lives through my books and music. To be healthy and be an attentive dedicated mother and raise my two children the best way I can and in turn, see them be happy and successful.


What do you wish you’d known at the start of your career you now know?

That sacrifice and sheer hard work gets you results! That you need to go with your instincts and feelings too on people and situations and not over think things and not be hard on yourself..’ride the train’ as they say!


Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

My family, my children and my lovely dog Leo comes first so I want to make sure everyone is happy and well first and foremost. I love creating and my brain is always exploding with ideas for storylines for books and music so I’d like to have created much more in terms of albums and books in 5 years time.


What advice would you give a budding children’s author?

Never doubt yourself! Write about the ideas you have and as soon as you have them jot it down as you may forget. Soak up the world around you: the places you go to, the people and characters you meet in everyday life, the things you read-all of these inspire your storylines. Be dedicated and sacrifice your time to write and put it first on your list of priorities!


What do you wish you’d known about motherhood before having kids?

That is was going to be soooooo rewarding and all consuming! There is so much to learn about raising children and you learn on the job as each day can be different when you are with them. I wouldn’t change it for the world!


Finally, happiness is…

  1. Time spent with my children –whether it’s going to a movie or for a meal
  2. Cuddling with my dog Leo
  3. Going out with my friends and letting my hair down
  4. Spending time with my close family
  5. Seeing all the people you love and cherish in your life happy and healthy


Buy Ruby Rides an Elephant Children’s Book.


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Wonderful Women Interview with Children's Author Ruby Lovell - Honest Mum


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