Maxine Jones

Wonderful Women Interview with Celebrity Fitness Trainer Maxine Jones

Maxine Jones


Fitness trainer to Lorraine Kelly, two best-selling DVDs under her belt, numerous TV appearances, the originator of the #SweatySelfie and now brand new live stream fitness channel Maxicise TV launched – it’s safe to say Maxine Jones has come a long way since she ditched the chaotic, high-pressure money markets of the banking world.

On a mission to spread her energetic brand of fun-loving fitness to the nation at large, Maxicise TV streams live from London every Wednesday, open to anyone with a laptop, smart TV, tablet or even just a phone.

‘I’m not here to make you skinny’, Max says. ‘We shouldn’t be comparing ourselves to anyone else and aiming to be a size zero. We’re all different, with different shapes, sizes, personalities, hairstyles and attitudes. I’m here to get you fit, happy and healthy. We’re all capable of it, all you’ve got to do is commit’.

It’s an attitude that is resonating with more and more people as they tune into and take advantage of Max’s unique and unending positive energy – one that will see her become an even bigger presence in the UK fitness world over the coming months. I managed to pin her down long enough to get the exclusive scoop!


Describe a typical day for you?

I’m very lucky, I get up when I wake up, no alarm, unlike my days in banking when my alarm would go off at 6 am. I go over my playlist to see what I can change in order to keep the classes fresh. I’m a massive fan of Shazam, if I’ve been out at the weekend, I’ll have loads of Shazams to go through. Some make the playlist, others don’t. I refresh my routines and check the class has a balance of high energy and low intensity songs.

I have classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights and on Saturday mornings so my Friday nights are always low key.

Like everyone else, I do a food shop, I’ll meet up for lunch with friends occasionally, I like to see my mum. Now that I’m not working ten hours a day, it’s nice to do these things.


What do you feel are your biggest achievements?

Breaking away from banking and starting my own business at the age of 41. It still amazes me now, I could never see an end to my career in banking yet I always knew I was a square peg in a round hole. Lorraine Kelly walking into class and a year later asking if I’d like to work with her on her show, that was pretty massive but it wasn’t by design. Even more surprising to me was working on two fitness DVDs with her, I remember feeling like Cinderella at the time with all my dreams coming true. My biggest achievement will be MaxiciseTV because it is by design. It’s seven years of growing into a role I’d never envisioned, bringing together the things that matter to me most, understanding people and how their minds work where exercise is concerned, understanding that fun should be at the forefront because doing something you enjoy will have a positive impact on your mental health. Finding joy in dancing with others because we all have the same goal, to be the fittest, happiest versions of ourselves that we possibly can be. I’m here to spread the love.


What’s in your handbag/ satchel?

My Oyster card, purse, a biro, pencil, my diary and some salt that’s come out of it’s sachet, I always carry salt with me.


What are your ambitions in life?

I want to get people fit and keep them that way! I want people to start taking better care of themselves, to recognise the benefits of exercise, not just the dress size bit but the mental health side of it too. I want to get people
to fall in love with exercise because they enjoy it, not because they’re forced to.


What do you wish you’d known at the start of your career you now know?

Don’t stress! I used to stress about everything. It’s not good for us, it affects the body in so many negative ways. Everything works out alright in the end, even if you’re dealt a blow, it’ll turn out for the best.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I’ll still be doing my classes, even though I’ll be in my 50s!! I’d like MaxiciseTV to be perfected by then, as a proper TV show and be available on demand.


What advice would you give a budding fitness trainer?

Do your job for the love, not the money, know your stuff and listen to your clients, and put your personality into it 100%. This is what sets you apart from the rest.


Finally, happiness is…

Being lifted by the music to a place that takes you to a new high, that feeling of letting go and not having a care in the world, delivering this crazy energy of mine to my girls.


My classes go out live at 7.30pm every Wednesday at and you can stream them as many times as you like throughout the week. Weekly subscription is only £4 (less than a glass of prosecco!) and each class will burn between 600-1000 calories, plus you’ll have a ton of fun!



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Wonderful Women Interview with Celebrity Fitness Trainer Maxine Jones - Honest Mum


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