Wonderful Women Interview with Author of Lucky Girl, Georgie May

Georgie May, in her transformative journey from a former burnout party girl to a spiritual explorer, struggled for years with poor mental health, desperately seeking a ‘magic cure’ to alleviate her pain. Like many people, she experimented with various conventional methods, hoping to find a solution. Eventually, she opened herself up to alternative paths, leading her into the wonderful, if often weird, world of wellness.

Leaving behind her 9–5 job at a major social media marketing agency, Georgie immersed herself in the realm of wellness. She earned certifications in EFT tapping, yoga and reflexology, establishing her own business with a mission to guide others in their healing. Through workshops, events, classes and private sessions, she has appreciated the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients, gaining deep
insights into their unique perspectives and challenges.

In addition to her personal journey, Georgie became committed to dismantling the stigma around mental health. Drawing inspiration from ancient practices and modern psychology, her work focuses on the intersection of spirituality, mental health and self- discovery. This commitment led her to write Lucky Girl, a book born from her desire to extend a lifeline to others navigating life’s challenges and the minefield of advice out there.

Describe a typical day for you?

My day revolves around a crafted routine that brings balance to my life, providing structure while allowing flexibility – a must for managing my ADHD. I’m rubbish at mediating, but upon waking, I turn to the Calm app for a 10-minute meditation session, a practice I’m improving on each day. It might be a struggle to quiet my mind, but this calming ritual shifts my mood and sets a positive tone for the day.

After my morning skincare routine, I join Bonnie, my pup, for breakfast. During this time, I reflect on my "daily questions," a ritual outlined in the book, and jot down my to-do list, aiming to start the day with clarity and purpose.

Next, I engage in some physical activity – that’s either simply stretching, yoga, mini home workout or going to a class- I love visiting Barrecore in Alderley Edge and go there when I can.

On weekdays, my focus shifts to my businesses, Grow&Glow and LuckyCollective. The day is filled with meetings, writing, content creation, and I also do social media marketing consultancy, so will have client calls.

My favourite part of the day is taking Bonnie out for a walk. Being outside in the fresh air has such a calming and grounding effect, so I make this a non-negotiable each day and it just lifts my moods.

As a self-proclaimed home bird, my evenings are reserved for cosy and relaxing activities. Whether it’s cooking, writing, reading, or binge watching trash tv, I find solace in the comfort of home. The day often concludes with a leisurely soak in the bath, providing a moment of relaxation and self-care.

I cherish weekends and reserve them for pure enjoyment. cherished time for pure enjoyment. I dedicate this precious time to travel, socialising with friends, eating out, going for drinks and doing things that fill my cup.


What do you feel are your greatest achievements?

I feel I should say writing the book – and of course, that is undeniably my greatest achievement, as I really did put my heart and soul into it, however, getting married last year genuinely does feel like the greatest achievement. My (now) husband and I have been through a lot over the years, and it was just the most incredible feeling walking down that aisle to my soulmate, feeling like a princess and the most beautiful version of myself, and saying, ‘I do’. It was magical.

The process was over a year of planning, which was filled with highs, lows, dramas, lots of laughter, tears, love, fun events, memories, and lots and lots of DIYing! Through all the planning, I really connected to my creative side and felt an immense sense of pride in the effort we put into every detail.

I remember a point during the day when I took a moment to drink it all in, as I looked around, at all our friends and family, at this beautiful venue, the setting and theme I designed, and then over to the man I love and thought, “wow, we’ve made it”…A moment in time I’ll never forget.


What’s in your handbag/ satchel?

I adore my handbag – it’s a treasure trove that’s always packed to the brim with my ‘essentials’ (but also snacks). First and foremost, there’s a slightly leaky, but well-loved, water bottle – this is my reminder to get a new one! Nestled in the depths of my bag, you'll find my makeup bag (my go-to Charlotte Tilbury lipstick in Pillowtalk is a must) and my faithful wallet.

Tucked alongside, you’ll find my secret weapon: Grow & Glow drops. These little vials of rejuvenation have become an key part of my routine, offering the perfect pick-me-up and contributing to my overall well-being. No bag of mine is complete without a good read. While I usually carry a fiction book, the latest addition is a physical copy of *my own* book, which I’m so proud to carry around with me. Yes, I’m old school and have a physical diary. It acts as both a planner and journey and its truly my bible. Accompanying this is my laptop, which houses my entire life – it’s just a shame I can never seem to remember it’s charger!


What are your ambitions in life?

One day, I’d love to become a mother. I get so excited at the thought of creating a little life with my soulmate. While I recognise the importance of career goals and personal achievements, the idea of building and shaping a loving family and experiencing the joys of parenthood holds a special place in my heart. I look forward to the day when my partner and I can embark on this beautiful journey together.
Cheshire has always been my home and I feel so grounded here, however, one day I would love to live abroad somewhere. I’m not exactly sure where yet, but when the opportunity arises, I think it would be an amazing experience to trial out.


What do you wish you’d known at the start of your career you now know?

I wish I had known the importance of not letting others’ judgments affect my path. No matter where you go or what you do, there will always be people who judge you. It’s not fair, and it’s not something we can control. What I’ve learned over the years is that it’s crucial not to give too much importance to what others think and not let it hinder your personal and professional growth. Worrying about others’ opinions is a waste of time, energy, and emotion. Instead, focus on your goals, aspirations, and the things that truly matter, and set your soul on fire. It’s
not been easy and taken most life life to accept that I can’t control how people view me – I’ve found the best way to navigate through such judgments is to stay true to yourself, be authentic, and not let external opinions dictate your choices. Embracing this mindset has allowed me to live my life on my terms and concentrate on what brings me fulfillment and happiness.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Oh my goodness – what a question!
I actually have no idea. I’ve never been one with a 5 year plan – let alone can plan for what I’m doing next week. I love how exciting life is… so crazy and unpedicable—and although I need routine, I like not knowing what tomorrow will bring, and I like doing spontaneous activities.

I guess in 5 years I would like to envision myself as happy, healthy, have started my family and grown my business … and if I’m sat on a beach, that would be great too!


What advice would you give a budding non fiction author?

Write, write, write! Embrace the process of writing as a journey and let your words flow freely at first. Starting with a freeform approach can help you tap into your creativity without feeling constrained. Having ADHD, at the beginning, I was quite overhwlemd, and would spend hours procrastinating, so I set myself a timer of 20 minutes at a time and just allowed myself to go in the zone and let my words flow. I Getting thoughts out and onto paper is a great way to capture raw ideas.

The magic often happens in the revision phase when you refine and structure your work. Don’t be afraid to let your thoughts wander in the initial stages; you can always mould them into a cohesive narrative later. Writing is indeed a healing practice, so relish in the joy of expressing yourself. Keep writing, revising, and enjoying the journey as you bring your unique perspective to the world through your non-fiction work!


What advice would you give to someone new to manifesting?

Step one would be to practice the art of gratitude. You may be feel like you’re lacking and life isn’t giving you a break and that you want to
attract hard and fast, but to get the wheels in motion, simply start by being grateful for all you do have – whether it be something big or small.
Gratitude is the foundation of manifesting positive energy and attracting abundance into your life. Take the time each day to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings, no matter how minor they may seem. Next, be crystal clear about your intentions. Clearly define your goals and desires, visualizing them with vivid detail. The more specific and focused you are, the more effectively you can direct your energy towards achieving those goals. Practice mindfulness and positive affirmations, cultivating a mindset that aligns with your aspirations. Finally, trust the process and be patient. Manifesting is not an instant fix, but a journey that unfolds over time. Stay persistent, remain positive with
a balance of reality, and watch as the universe begins to respond to your intentions and efforts.


Finally, happiness is…

I find bliss in the simple joy of cosiness. Time at home in my sanctuary, nestled on the sofa, cuddling my husband and Bonnie. The fireplace is roaring, we’re about to watch a good film, with all our favourite snacks, and a takeaway is en route. That scene right there- surrounded by love, comfort, and treats is my form of therapy. My happiness.



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Wonderful Women Interview with Author of Lucky Girl, Georgie May

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