kid with a Christmas cracker

A Wonderful Christmas at the Macdonald Windsor Hotel

Christmas day saw us enjoy Christmas lunch once more at the Macdonald Windsor Hotel (after an exquisite Christmas lunch at Cliveden House Hotel).

champagne flute

After opening presents in the morning, we enjoyed a festive lunch at the wonderful Macdonald Hotel who are just a short walk away from us in Windsor.

kid with a Christmas cracker

Dining to live jazz in the centre of their dining room: silver and white decorations at every turn, we indulged in warm homemade bread, chicken terrine, smoked salmon and capers and turkey with all the trimmings of course. Peter enjoyed cod.

Here comes the food…

Champagne sorbet was the amuse bouche pre-starters!

champagne sorbet

Smoked salmon with capers.

smoked salmon starter with capers

Chicken liver terrine.

chicken liver pate

Turkey and trimmings.

Christmas turkey with the trimmings

Christmas dinner

Delicious breaded cod.

cod with breadcrumbs

…Our desserts spanned chocolate truffle, apple tart, Christmas pudding and a cheese board.

cheese board

Christmas pudding with brandy sauce

chocolate tart

Every course was an gastronomical delight but the desserts stood out the most for me (I sampled every one naturally)!

It’s been a precious few days spending time with those we love. It’s also been a hard time too as we remember my darling auntie Zak who is no longer with us.

Attending church on Christmas Eve to listen to the choir before Prosecco inside and nibbles, I said a prayer and left a note on a dedicated tree where worshippers could pen thoughts to loved ones on jewel coloured card.

Windsor with Christmas lights

My birthday and now Christmas has felt so bittersweet. A time to rejoice and feel grateful for so much yet also a time of grave loss and sadness.

I’m going to hang on tightly to the memories, to feeling comfort in the love we had and that will endure and in the many amazing friends and relatives I feel close to.

Huge thanks too the NHS staff who sacrifice family time to keep us all safe x

Thank you to the NHS


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