Hey there, how you doing? (Always makes me think of Joey from Friends but I’m not chatting you up, honest-ha) just so thought I’d jump on real quick (ooh, I sound so American and breezy don’t I #Iwish) and let you know what I’ve been up to lately.
So here’s a little life update because frankly I’ve neglected the blog a bit these past few weeks as my energy was dedicated elsewhere, mostly writing and filming for other platforms, and while I love that side of my job (nothing beats the thrill of live telly), I’ve missed my blog, and you guys too of course so fear not (no one noticed), I’m back!
When I’ve not been filming car ads, recording radio or writing opinion pieces on everything from tradwives to laser treatments (FYI, I’m obsessed with the latter), I’ve been in the throes of a new business alongside partners Lucy Griffiths and Jack Freud, launching at the end of the month.
A digital video course (plus membership group) will share my decade of experience and expertise working in the digital sphere, helping to upskill parents in social media and personal brand building so they, YOU, can follow my lead and work flexibly and remotely doing what you love.
Exciting times!
Oh, and if you fancy meeting me, I’ll be speaking on a panel about mindful parenting alongside wise women, Anna Williamson and Izzy Judd at the Sunday Times Life Lessons Festival on Sunday the 16th of Feb (you can book your tickets here). Marie Forleo, Alain de Botton, Bill Bryson, Emma Bartlett and many others will also be speaking that weekend so I’d advise a weekend ticket. I feel 100% humbled to have made the line-up. Let me know if you make it, won’t you.
Speaking of mindfulness, I’ve been loving my 3 day work week. For 18 months now I’ve freed up 2 days a week dedicated to family, friends, life admin and…something we parents don’t do enough of: chilling out.
This is truly my definition of success.
Not just working on my own terms but living on my own terms.
My work life has come full circle really. I started out working part time as a blogger with a baby in tow (usually on my chest asleep whilst I typed) which culminated into working intensely as my business and reach grew, to right now, where I’m out the other end, working less frantically and most importantly, more smartly.
The quality of my work has increased for it, I reckon, as has my quality of life.
I’m still growing my business, collaborating with brands I respect and sharing my views and work in the media but I’m working in a more focused way with fewer distractions, freeing up more time with it. You have to live in order to write, right?
And, some of that free time should be renamed ‘read time’ as I’ve tucked into more books over the past 18 months than the past 18 years. I’ve got 6 books on the go at the mo spanning everything from applying greater boundaries and listening better to improving my gut microbiome and parenting more calmly (current reading list below).
I’ve also stuck to a gratitude diary most mornings (my kids’ diary arrives tomorrow) and feel more content as a result. Research shows practising gratitude rewires our brains to be happier.
So that’s all folks (for now), I’ve been filling up my cup with meaningful work, saying ‘no’ guilt-free, spending time with family and friends (really listening hard and being more present) and making sure I say ‘yes’ to more fun, my goal for this year. Simply doing more of what feels good.
You going to join me?
Reading list:
F**k No!: How to stop saying yes, when you can’t, you shouldn’t, or you just don’t want to -Sarah Knight *gift
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad You Did)-Philippa Parry
You’re Not Listening-What You’re Missing and Why It Matters-Kate Murphy
The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat– Tim Spector
Deep Work- Rules for Focused Work in a Distracted World-Cal Newport * gift from my good friend Dr Juliet McGrattan.
Zen Mama, Your Guilt-Free Guide to Raising Brave, Kind Children-Sarah Ivens * gift
Photo taken on a shoot with me for The Metro.
Buy my bestselling book in paperback or audio
My debut book is my guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home and offers insight into how to create a digital business or return to work with confidence.
Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(UK 2nd Edition)
Available on Amazon or Audible
The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(US/Canada Edition)
Available September 8th 2020. Order now on Amazon