
Our Weekend in Pictures (& Feeling Grateful)

Our Weekend in Pictures (& Feeling Grateful).

This weekend has been pretty damn perfect.


Bright blue sun-filled skies (we’ve patiently waited all winter for), happy children, a chocolate workshop with Harrogate Chocolate Tree (more coming soon)-read VERY happy children, a muddy walk through RHS Harlow Carr in all its floral springtime glory and a Sunday lunch feast with lots of family members to finish off the day.

Harrogate Chocolate Tree

Harrogate Chocolate Tree

Great food, conversation, laughter and plan-making (christenings and weddings on the horizon, good times to come), cuddles and kisses with my baby nephew Zachary and 10 month old second cousin Leo, chubby cheeks, little toes, that baby smell so sweet, it makes me want to have another and happy faces everywhere!

And sun, sweet, sweet sun which makes life so much better…

Harlow Carr: our happy place.

mother and son

RHS Harlow Carr


sculpturelook flower beautiful flowers spring flowers RHS Harlow Carrwoodland map tree

3 year old

cute pretty spring flowerslavendar snowdrops iris flowersThis isn’t a long post because it doesn’t need to be.

This weekend was full of joy.

There’s been a lot of sadness in my world over the last few months. Words that have not been written here and never will for they are stories not mine to tell. Times which were terribly tough and have made us all the more grateful for good health and love, abundant, unconditional, ever-present love.


I looked into my husband eyes tonight as I switched off the lights downstairs earlier, Oliver, 6 and Xander, 3 snoring loudly from their bedrooms and felt so grateful for all that we have, for each other, for right now.


For feeling content.

And loved.

To be around my family who through whatever life throws at us, are there like buoys in the ocean of life, determined to hold one another up, fearlessly hand in hand riding the waves, big and small, together, determined.

My beautiful, loud, smart, funny family.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend too.

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