On Sunday, we were kindly invited to Carters Steam Fair (the biggest travelling vintage fair in the world) on Englefield Green close to Windsor as they were in town, and taking some friends along for the ride (get it?!-soz) we whiled away the day on vintage rides, transporting ourselves back in time and feeling all the better for it. No phones were on (bar a few mins for Insta Stories then popped away), Candy Floss the size of our heads was consumed, and the kids faves were the Carousel and slot-machines on offer with tears almost shed when it was time to leave.
Carters Steam Fair is utterly unique– it’s an authentic travelling funfair entirely consisting of rare vintage equipment with the family who run it living in vintage showman’s wagons and caravans so the fair can move from place to place with a highly-decorated fleet of vintage lorries. The fair travels every week of the season, from Easter to Bonfire Night each year so to find out where they’re going next, click here.
I’ve love to try my hand at the Paint Shop in the winter, run by the fair, where you get the chance to learn sign writing as well as fairground and coach painting. The style is inspired by Hall and Fowle, using gold and aluminium leaf and flamboyant enamels and is quite the sight to behold!
Thanks for a fun-filled Sunday Carters Steam Fair full of laughter, Hook-A-Ducks and popcorn galore!
Thanks to the owner Joby Carter for the invite.
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