apricot and date oat flapjacks

Vegan Apricot and Date Oat Flapjacks

Vegan Apricot and Date Oat Flapjacks - Honest Mum recipe


vegan oat flapjacks

My kids and I simply can’t get enough of these tasty plant-based apricot and date oat flapjacks. Packed with large rolled oats and dried fruit, I often drizzle melted dark chocolate over them too if I fancy something more decadent and you can add any kind of ingredient you fancy within them from desiccated coconut to fruit, seeds and nuts depending on taste and preferred crunch factor.

Oliver prefers entirely plain ones (i.e without dried fruit) but my youngest likes his with caramelised apricots and dates.

apricot and date oat flapjacks

These vegan flapjacks don’t take long to make or bake thankfully and I’ve been relying on them for quick breakfasts on the run as well as after-school sweet snacks which hit the spot when hunger strikes.

I think you guys will love them. Best of all, they don’t scrimp on flavour or taste, something I’ve noticed people wonder with plant-based anything.

Makes 8 depending on size you like:

  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 140g coconut oil, melted
  • 110g brown sugar
  • 115g plain flour
  • 150g organic jumbo oats
  • ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 150g dried fruits, chopped ( add nuts too if you like)

dairy-free oat flapjacks


Mix the oats with the flour and oil then add the rest of the ingredients and stir. Flatten into a baking tray and place into an oven at 180ºC/350ºF/gas mark 4, baking for 20 mins until golden brown.

I hope you love these flapjacks as much as we do. Please do let me know if you bake them!

Read more recipes here.

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