I recently wrote the post Things My Mother Taught Me which listed my top 10 lessons learnt from my Mama and now I’d like to pay homage to my super Mother-in-Law.
Cathy is a one in a million Mother-in-Law ( sorry you’ll not find any naughty Mother-In Law jokes here). She lives in South Africa where my husband grew up but we visit as often as we can, enjoying the perfect beaches and warmest of Winters in sunny Port Elizabeth.
My parents in law have also stayed with us in the UK attending our Big Fat Greek Wedding and recently the Big Fat Greek Christening of Baby O. Good times.
Here are the top 10 things my Mother-in-Law has taught me:
1. How to make fudge, shortbread and other very important and delicious cakes and biscuits. My own mother’s not an avid baker but I love it; there’s something amazing about losing yourself in cake mix, the smell of chocolate cake wafting through the house before feasting on your own creation afterwards… And then feasting a little more..then a little more before realising you really have lost yourself in cake mix- although ‘losing’ is clearly not the operative word when you get on the scales. Maybe it’s best I don’t have more time to bake.
2. To fix and not throw. This includes everything from socks to children’s clothes. I’m a bit of a disgarder if I’m honest, and Cathy on a recent visit mended a pair of baby jeans replacing a broken button with velcro. She actually took the jeans out of the bin which I’d chucked them into. *Guilty/bad mother face. She has also kept some incredible clothes from the 70’s including leather boots and a suede jacket. Cathy is Queen of Recycling, saving the world one sock at a time.
3. She indirectly taught me there are good men out there. I’d kind of lost hope of that before meeting my husband P. He’s one of the good guys and I know that’s greatly thanks to my Mother and Father in Law. P is a loving, patient and oh so supportive husband and father. Oh yes and he’s also very VERY gorgeous. Thank you Cathy indeed. Good genes and well brought up. What’s not to love?
4. She taught me to be a better mother-her subtle advice on food (homemade rusks anyone?) to not sweating the small stuff, (I’m a pathological worrier)- Cathy is brimming with great advice. Seeing her and Grandpa David’s unconditional love for their little grandchild is amazing.
5. She taught me to take my vits. Cathy takes her vitamins religiously. From a multi vitamin to evening primrose oil and everything in between, it’s all about the vitamins and healthy eating.
6. Do more yoga. She teaches a yoga class a few times a week and can do moves women can’t half her age- and that includes me.
7. That Rooibos tea actually tastes nice. I’m officially addicted. Babies from 9 months can also enjoy it. With any luck its relaxing properties will induce a full night’s sleep for your little one. Not promising though.
8. A bad day, in fact a hideous day can be fixed instantly with an episode of Judge Judy. I’ve learnt a lot about the law from that show. Who needs law school when Judge Judge on ITV2 are on hand?
9. To wrap cheese in cheese cloth in the fridge and it lasts forever. Ok not forever but nearly forever.
10. That it doesn’t matter how far you are from your family, you can still be very close.
I hope you all have as great a Mother-In Law as I do. Now what’s that joke, oh yeah ‘ a Mother in Law walked into a bar…’ Kidding.
Photograph ©Peter Broadbent.
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