peter and I

Tall for a Greek Girl…

peter and ITaken a few years ago (look we’re nearly the same height… when I wear 5 inch heels)…see I am tall for a Greek girl!

So at 5 foot 5 and 3/4’s ( it might be a half in reality, my 3 year old couldn’t steady his hand on the tape measure) but whatevs’,  I’m nearly Kate Moss esque 5’6″ tall (it’s just deceptive as her limbs are a little longer than mine) and you know what 5’5 1/2 is flipping T to the A to the double L for a Greek girl, let me tell you.

Yet, people imagine me to be taller in real life. Not sure by how much but taller than the towering 5’5 3/4 nearly 5’6.

I disappoint people on a regular basis when I appear smaller than the Vicki from my blog in their creative height enhancing minds*. Shit, I bet Jennifer Anniston gets this all the time poor chuck.

*I now always wear heels to blogging events.

coupleDefinitely nearly the same height when sat down.

Growing up I was known in many a circle as ‘Tall Vicki’ and not just by my 4 foot tall Grandma either. I also looked 25 at 15 so was pressured to buy Marlborough Lights by my friends from the local off licence after school (sure those bad boys stunted my 5’8″ destined height as well). Don’t smoke kids. Not even ‘faux smoking-can’t inhale really’, like I did.

Then soon enough I was a teen and the Spice Girls had come crashing into my life making platforms the shoe of choice (and pouting thanks to Posh, I did a lot of that at 16, in between faux inhaling and licking posters of Jason Priestly. Bingo, I was super, super tall. (The stretching to meet Jason’s printed mouth in Just Seventeen might have helped too).

Fast forward to today at the grand old age of 32 and I don’t think people who know me, think I’m short, in fact my fairly long body makes some regard me as average to possibly even a bit tall. Take that tape measure. Apart from my husband who at 6’2 thinks everyone’s short. Even people who are 6″1. Well just because you can see tall buildings dude, remember what a bitch it is to buy jeans. I mean I get jeans everywhere, so there, regular length too, not short, OK.

Are you short?



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