When luxurious baby clothing label Pumpkin Baby offered to send my (still, only just) 18 month old son Alexander a cute babygrow/onesie, I simply couldn't refuse. Taken just before the house move (ignore the door above which needed a repaint)...Alexander was the perfect model for us!
Saturday was certainly a dreamy affair for this family of chocolate-lovers as we rendez-vous(ed) in Harrogate for a chocolate workshop at new chocolatiers Harrogate Chocolate Tree- and proceeded to spend the most delicious two hours of our lives creating chocolate treats together, tasting, decorating and basking in all things cocoa!
A bit of fun for you all but doesn't my Uncle Mike look like just like George Clooney himself? He's even had people run up to him in the street thinking it's the A Lister for flips sake-unlikely as Uncle Mike lives in Manchester but stranger things have happened, right?!