A couple of weeks ago saw me 'train it' from Leeds to London to meet up with a fabulous group of blogging friends for lunch and a certain multi-award winning chart-topping singer/MC and TV judge, Alesha Dixon (standard ;) )!
Nothing of course replaces healthy, seasonal food-tonnes of fruit and veg, lean meat, pulses (you get the picture) but vitamins help ensure I get everything extra I need, especially at times of sleep deprivation (always), times of PMS (oh those dreaded days come weeks) and much needed sun rays in a bottle when Blighty can't provide the real thing!
I'm not a doctor but I sure am (sadly) an expert on sleep deprivation. Give or take 4 flipping whole years of it. Don't be fooled by the picture above, they nodded off together but were soon moved to their own beds and both woke up at least twice that night. Le yawn!
My otherwise healthy little toddler suffered from chronic ear infections (otherwise known as Glue Ear) from June last year until December but has seemed to have knocked them on the head (for the longest time) anyway in the last couple of months.