As a mum to two young boys, Oliver, 7 and Xander, 4, one of my greatest concerns is keeping my kids safe online. Whilst the internet is a wondrous place to learn and play (my boys are catching Pokemon in the pictures in the park here), enjoying a small part of their life via their tablets can pose great risks too.
There are Cornish views as I type this – except it is dark because who has time to blog during the day in half term! Holidays in Cornwall filled with pasties, ice creams, fudge and cream teas and grandparents primed to spoil equal joy for my children and despair for their dietitian mum!
A good night's sleep is essential to children's health and wellbeing, yet - as many of you guys will know - convincing your little ones to get their '40 winks' is never easy. So much so, my husband and I call our two sons, Oliver, 6, and Xander, 3, 'the sleep thieves'.
You may remember how last month I revealed this family are card-carrying members of #TeamTickly! You see, when it comes to facial hair we can't resist the stubble and love nothing more than furry, giggly kisses from the Papas in our family.
Surrounded by bearded men (my brother Solos is the only clean-shaven guy in our clan), it's safe to that this family is 100% #TeamTickly.
Furry, giggly kisses are the best and both my sons love nothing more than showing their Grandad (aka Papa G) or their Dad, Peter, affection through tickly kisses.
Pregnancy - and especially your first pregnancy - can be a daunting experience. As a self-certified hypochondriac, even the smallest ailment is enough to to send my worry-levels into overdrive, so as you can imagine, when 'with bump' this was a million times worse. let me start this post by saying I hate ironing. In fact, I'm not really a fan of any domestic chores, but ironing is by far the worst. My Mama can testify for this (thanks Mum for doing so much ironing for us all)!